157 results for arab world

MOROCCO / Filming “The Alchemist”, 2nd largest foreign contract ever signed in the kingdom

The Alchemist

“The Alchemist” is scheduled to begin filming in Morocco this September. The best-selling philosophical tale by Brazilian Paolo Coelho will be adapted by American director Kevin Scott Frakes. Since its publication in 1988 the novel has sold over 100 million copies and has been translated into 56 languages. “The Alchemist” is about “a young Andalusian …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/the-alchemist/?lang=en

LEBANON / The 3rd “Girls for Change” closes

Girls For Change

Organized by the Beirut Film Society, the 3rd “Girls for Change” has now closed. The programme is part of “Li Beirut” (For Beirut), an international initiative launched by UNESCO in the aftermath of the explosions in the capital’s port on August 27th 2020. The 3-month training programme has enabled 100 young girls from Beirut’s battered suburbs to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/3rd-girls-for-change/?lang=en

SWITZERLAND / Lebanon guest of honour of the 16th International Oriental Film Festival of Geneva

16e Fifog

The International Oriental Film Festival of Geneva (Fifog) honours Lebanon for its 16th edition, which runs from June 21st to 27th. Lebanese writer, journalist and activist Joumana Haddad will be honorary president. “Hope … a little, a lot, passionately” The central theme of this year’s rich programme is hope. There are two competitions, one for features, another …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/international-oriental-film-festival-of-geneva/?lang=en

TUNISIA / Registration for the 32nd Carthage Cinematographic Days open until August 15th

32e JCC

Created in 1966, the 32nd Carthage Cinematographic Days (JCC) is scheduled from October 30th to November 6th, 2021 in Tunis. The call for applications is open for short and feature-length dramas, animation and documentary films from Africa and the Arab world. 13 Tanits, the JCC awards, will go to the best films and best actors in the competition. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/32nd-carthage-cinematographic-days/?lang=en

GREECE / “Unfortunately it was paradise” returns from May 30th to June 30th in Athens

Unfortunately it was paradise

“Unfortunately it was paradise” returns to Athens with a rich programme of Greek, Middle Eastern and North African films. The not-for-profit organization Locus Athens and the AIN Association have jointly organized open air and indoor screenings and conferences in Athens’ Tavros district. Launched in September 2020, the project was supposed to be a monthly programme …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/unfortunately-it-was-paradise/?lang=en

LEBANON / 3rd edition of «Girls for Change » organised in Beirut

Girls for Change 2021

The Beirut Film Society (BFS) is organizing its 3rd training programme “Girls for Change”, to teach and empower 100 young women from refugee communities and Lebanese host communities. “Girls for Change” enables the young women to learn and use audiovisual skills to express their thoughts, emotions and hopes for the future. Launched in 2018 in …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/lebanon-3e-edition-of-girls-for-change-organised-in-beirut/?lang=en

JORDAN / Roya TV celebrates its 10th anniversary by launching the Roya Media Group

Roya Media Group

Roya TV has launched the Roya Media Group (RMG). Using the slogan #New_World, the Jordanian broadcaster wants to target all segments of the local, regional and international community. By consolidating all of its services in a single entity, the new group hopes to strengthen its market presence as a regional audiovisual powerhouse. The aim is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/jordan-roya-tv-celebrates-its-10th-anniversary-by-launching-the-roya-media-group/?lang=en