Category: Libanon

News about audiovisual in Libanon

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LEBANON / Netflix: collection of films “made in Lebanon”

On October 19th the American streaming platform launched a series of films “made in Lebanon”. For the past year the country has been going through a political and economic crisis, and so films were chosen which give “an idea of the struggle, hopes and dreams of the Lebanese people.” There are 19 films in the …

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TUNISIA / Projects selected for the Chabaka and Takmil workshops

This year’s Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage (JCC) will run from December 18th to 23rd. As part of the event there will be two workshops, Chabaka and Takmil, taking place from December 16th to 18th. The Takmil Workshop is for projects in post-production. Since its creation in 2014 it has supported 44 projects. The Chabaka Workshop …

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FRANCE LEBANON / Unis pour le Liban on France 2

On October 1st France 2 was “United for the Lebanon”. The television channel mobilized its resources to help the Lebanese people after the explosion which devastated Beirut on August 4th. The content of the day’s regional and national news and magazine programmes – subject-matter, opinion pieces and guests – were all focused on this initiative …

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EUROPE / Nominations for the PRIX EUROPA 2020

The EUROPA Prize was founded in 1987 by the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European Cultural Foundation. This competition for outstanding European media content rewards the best European television, radio and online productions, with the aim of publicising them throughout Europe and supporting their continental distribution. This year 263 organizations submitted a total …

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LEBANON / 1st Festival du Film Libanais de France (FFLF)

The first French Festival of Lebanese Film (FFLF) will take place in Paris from October 7th to 11th. The Lincoln Cinema will host the event, if sanitary conditions permit. For this first year the festival’s sponsor is Franco-Lebanese film-maker, Philippe Aractingi. The opening night will be held at the Institut du Monde Arabe with many …

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LEBANON / Appointment of Heba Hage-Felder

On September 1st Heba Hage-Felder was appointed Director of the Arab Image Foundation. Over 70 applicants had applied for the job. Ms Hage-Felder has over 20 years experience of institution building and development. She has an MA in International Conflict and Peace Studies. Previously she has worked with different local and international organizations such as …

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LEBANON / Aflamuna puts Arab films online

Aflamuna (Our Films) is a new platform created by a group of Arab film-makers and film institutions to show the best of recent independent, thought-provoking Arab films. Managed by Beirut DC, Aflamuna was set up in March. Since then several films have been posted. Once on the platform, they can be accessed free of charge …

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