Category: Libanon

News about audiovisual in Libanon

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LEBANON / Retrospective of Lebanese producers: “Deuxième Rencontre”

In 2012 Euromed hosted a round table on the Lebanese film industry and its productions. Although the Lebanon is reputed to be the second country for Arab cinema after Egypt, the films produced there are still struggling to get shown either locally or internationally. At that meeting Ghassan Abou Chacra, a film industry consultant to …

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LEBANON / France Médias Monde strengthens its presence in the Lebanon

According to a statement from France Media Monde, the group is strengthening its presence in the Lebanon. With the support of the Lebanese French Institute, a series of agreements was concluded during a visit to Beirut in early April by Marie-Christine Saragosse, chair and CEO of France Media Monde and Marc Saikali, director of France …

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