“The Swimmers” tells the extraordinary story of two sisters, Sarah and Yusra Mardini, refugees from Syria who became Olympic champions. In 2015 their home was destroyed during the Syrian civil war, so the sisters decided to leave the country. They went first to Lebanon, then to Turkey, hoping to cross the Aegean to get to …
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ITALY / “Zero”, the Netflix drama series about immigration, in the top 10
“Zero”, an eight-part Italian series released on April 21st, rose straight to Netflix’s Top 10. Taken from the novel “Non ho mai avuto la mia età” (I have never been my age) by Antonio Dikele Distefano, an Italian writer of Angolan origin, the series goes beyond the themes of friendship, adolescence and love, managing to …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/italy-zero-the-netflix-drama-series-about-immigration-in-the-top-10/?lang=en
ISRAEL / “Shtisel”, 3rd season of the Netflix series about an ultra-Orthodox Jewish family
Launched in 2013 on the private television channel Yes, the third season of “Shtisel” has been uploaded to the Netflix streaming platform. “The series follows the trials and tribulations of the ultra-Orthodox Shtisel family in Jerusalem’s Haredi community. The show’s first season begins with 26-year-old Aviva Shtisel, a single Haredi man who lives with his father …
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CYPRUS / The Cyprus Film Days returns to Cypriot cinemas
From April 16th to 24th Cyprus Film Days is once again having cinema screenings with a live audience. Co-organized by Cyprus’ Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, the European Commission and the European Parliament’s Cyprus Office, the “largest international film event on the island of Cyprus” traditionally takes place at the Rialto Theatre in Limassol and …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/cyprus-the-cyprus-film-days-returns-to-cypriot-cinemas/?lang=en
TURKEY/ Turkey wants to develop its animated film sector
During a visit to the ISF animation studios in Ankara the Minister of Industry and Technology, Mustafa Varank, told the Turkish news agency AA that Turkey was increasing its potential in this sector. Accompanied by his family, he watched the making of “Rafadan Tayfa Göbeklitepe”, the country’s most popular animated series with 3.5 million viewers. …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/turkey-turkey-wants-to-develop-its-animated-film-sector/?lang=en
ITALY / The Covid crisis alters the country’s film festival industry
The Associazione festival italiani di cinema (AFIC) has published the results of a survey conducted in 2020 showing how festivals across the country are changing. Of the 142 Italian film festivals participating in the study, “62% say they are considering a hybrid form for their next edition”. More than a third of festivals see this obligatory change …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/italy-the-covid-crisis-alters-the-countrys-film-festival-industry/?lang=en
NORTH AFRICA / Special productions for Ramadan 2021
In Morocco and Algeria, Ramadan begins on April 14th and ends on May 12th. In Europe, Tunisia, Turkey, Egypt, Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon the month of Ramadan in the year 1442 AH begins on Tuesday April 13th. The Muslim’s holy month is also the month with the highest audience figures for Arab television, thanks mainly to …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/north-africa-special-productions-for-ramadan-2021/?lang=en