Soufiane El Khalidy heads the cast of a new detective series, The Octet, directed by Ahmed Medhat and produced by the Saudi group MBC. It centres on an Interpol agent, Adham, investigating the murder of his girlfriend and her sister at a party in Cairo. Soufiane El Khalidy stars alongside two other Egyptian actors Asser …
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Italy / An animated film based on the life of cyclist Gino Bartali
Provisionally called Bartali’s Bicycle, a film based on the life of Italian cyclist Gino Bartali has started production. Co-produced by Lynx Multimedia Factory and the Toonz Media Group, the film’s national distribution will be handled by RAI, with TVCO responsible for international distribution. The release is scheduled for 2023. This animated family film is set …
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PriMed, the International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary and Reportage is launching film registrations for the 26th edition. Directors can register their documentaries for free, directly online on the festival website deadline to send the works is April 15, 2022. The PriMed – International Documentary and Mediterranean Reportage Award is open to all authors, directors, …
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ALGERIA / The Franco-Algerian Nina Khada wins the Poulain d’Argent for Short Documentaries at Fespaco
French-Algerian director Nina Khada ’s new film “Je me suis mordue la langue” (I bit my tongue) won the Silver Poulain for Short Documentary at the 27th Pan-African Film and Television Festival (Fespaco) in Ouagadougou. “I bit my tongue”, a quest for identity In this 25-minute first-person documentary the film-maker tries to rediscover the language …
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ITALY / The 62nd Festival dei Popoli offers a retrospective on the work of French film-makers Nicolas Klotz and Elisabeth Perceval
Europe’s oldest documentary event, the Festival dei Popoli, will run in Florence from November 20th to 28th. This year, in addition to the two competitions – international (18 documentaries not yet shown in Italy) and Italian (7 premiers) – the festival is hosting the first Italian retrospective of the films of French directors Nicolas Klotz …
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THE ARAB WORLD / Shahid, the Arab world’s leading streaming platform, now available in French
The MBC group, the largest media company in the Middle East and North Africa, has added a French interface to its streaming platform Shahid. Already accessible in English and Arabic, the site offers exclusive films and Arabic television channels, including satellite ones broadcast on MBC. There are two options available:, a free offer with …
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ALGERIA / Launch of AL24 News , a new 24-hour international television news channel
AL24 News, North Africa’s first international channel Available on Nilesat, AL24 News is Algeria’s new 24-hour public news channel. Broadcasting internationally since November 1st, it is North Africa’s first international channel. Based in Algiers, AL24 News comments on national but above all international news through reports, documentaries, talk shows, broadcasts and interviews, including three daily “major …
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