142 results for Primed

ALGERIA / Launch of AL24 News , a new 24-hour international television news channel


AL24 News, North Africa’s first international channel Available on Nilesat, AL24 News is Algeria’s new 24-hour public news channel. Broadcasting internationally since November 1st, it is North Africa’s first international channel. Based in Algiers, AL24 News comments on national but above all international news through reports, documentaries, talk shows, broadcasts and interviews, including three daily “major …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/al24-news/?lang=en

TUNISIA / “Under the Fig Trees” wins multiple awards at the 78th Venice Film Festival

Under The Fig Trees

Tunisian director Erige Sehiri’s “Under the Fig Trees” won no fewer than eight awards at the 78th Venice Film Festival’s Final Cut Workshop. Two of them were sponsored by partners of the Arab Cinema Centre, Mad Solutions and the ElGouna Film Festival, and these will help market, advertise and distribute the film. Since 2013 Final …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/under-the-fig-trees/?lang=en

MOROCCO SYRIA / Three films from Morocco and Syria sweep the board at the Oued-Noun Festival

Festival du Cinéma de Oued-Noun

The 9th Oued-Noun Film Festival was organized online from February 26th to 28th. Usually it takes place in southern Morocco, on the edge of the Sahara in the city of Guelgim. This year’s jury was chaired by Laurine Bauby, a French actress and director, accompanied by Moroccan actress Latefa Ahrar and Tunisian academic Wassim Korbi. The 3 …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/morocco-syria-three-films-from-morocco-and-syria-sweep-the-board-at-the-oued-noun-festival/?lang=en

ITALY / A TUTTO SCHERMO puts 10 documentary films online until April 18th

In A Future April

Organized by Rete degli Spettatori and MyMovies, A TUTTO SCERMO continues its mission of creating an outlet for independent films and documentaries. From February 19th to April 18th 2021, a selection of 10 documentaries produced in Italy will be available on demand on the MyMovies platform. This year the documentaries have been chosen to “illustrate the variety of approaches …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/italy-a-tutto-schermo-puts-10-documentary-films-online-from-february-19th-to-april-18th/?lang=en

LEBANON / Death of Lokman Slim, Lebanese intellectual and co-director of Massaker and Tadmor

Lokman Slim

The body of Lokman Slim, a Lebanese intellectual, was found in Zahrani on February 4th. He had been murdered. This “fervent opponent of confessionalism” (the Lebanese political system apportioning parliamentary seats according to religion) had already received death threats in 2019. For many years a critic of Hezbollah, he had notably spoken out against that …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/lebanon-death-of-lokman-slim-lebanese-intellectual-and-co-director-of-massaker-and-tadmor/?lang=en


Dans cette page vous pouvez consulter, en ordre chronologique, le calendrier des festivals et marchés euro-méditerranéens attentifs au développement et à la valorisation du genre documentaire. Un regard spécial sur ceux qui s’occupent en particulier de la promotion du film méditerranéen (même s’ils sont basés loin de la Mare Nostrum). Cliquez sur le mois qui …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/festivals-et-marches-euro-mediterraneens/?lang=en

FRANCE ALGERIA / The Algerian camps as told by Dorothée Myriam Kellou

Dorothée Myriam Kellou is a journalist and film-director based in Paris. Her work as a journalist has received many awards, including the Trace International Award, the Samir Kassir Award and the Albert Londres Award. Her first feature-length film À Mansourah tu nous as séparés (2019) has been chosen for the 24th PriMed. During the Algerian …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-algeria-the-algerian-camps-as-told-by-dorothee-myriam-kellou/?lang=en