157 results for arab world

SPAIN MOROCCO / The 2021 Tarifa-Tangier Festival of African Film open to applications until March 12th

FCAT 2021

The Tarifa-Tangier African Film Festival (FCAT) is launching a call to participate in its 18th edition. The deadline is midnight on March 12th. This year’s two-continent event is scheduled from May 28th to June 6th. An independent film festival, FCAT has become a reference in the Spanish-speaking world. Created in 2003, it promotes “films from the African continent …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/spain-morocco-the-2021-tarifa-tangier-festival-of-african-film-open-to-applications-until-march-12th/?lang=en

TUNISIA / Death of Moufida Tlatli, pioneer of Tunisian cinema and committed feminist


Tunisian director, writer and editor Moufida Tlatli died on Sunday February 7th at the age of 74. The Tunisian Ministry of Cultural Affairs paid tribute to the lifetime achievement of this pioneer of Tunisian cinema. “Les Silences du Palais”, the Arab woman under the weight of the past Now a cult film, her first feature “Les …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/tunisia-death-of-moufida-tlatli-pioneer-of-tunisian-cinema-and-committed-feminist/?lang=en

LEBANON / AFAC and Netflix support for Lebanese broadcasting

Netflix has partnered with the Arab Fund for Art and Culture (AFAC) to create a solidarity fund for the Lebanese film and television industry. This emergency resource is intended to support the artistic community, which is among the most affected by the coronavirus crisis. The fund totals around $500,000. Financial help will be offered in …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/lebanon-afac-and-netflix-support-for-lebanese-broadcasting/?lang=en

NORTH AFRICA / TV5Monde the leading French-language channel in North Africa

Logo TV5 Monde

According to the results of the 2019 study Kantar TNS Africascope Maghreb, TV5MONDE maintains its position as the leading French-language channel in Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco for the target audience of 15 years and older, executives and managers. The data for the study were collected in the twelve principal towns of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/north-africa-tv5monde-the-leading-french-language-channel-in-north-africa/?lang=en

EGYPT JORDAN / Jordan spotlighted during the 3rd El Gouna Film Festival

The third El Gouna Film Festival ran from September 19th to 27th. Aiming to discover new international artistic voices, the GFF focusses particularly on encouraging film-making in the Arab world, and opening up inter-cultural ideas in the region. Three Jordanian films were shown in competition this year: – the documentary feature Tiny Souls by Dina …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/egypt-jordan-jordan-spotlighted-during-the-3rd-el-gouna-film-festival/?lang=en

JORDAN / “Anthology Film: Women in the Maghreb – Mashreq Region”: start of post-production

The Jordanian Royal Film Commission and UNESCO, with the support of the European Union, have announced that the five teams collaborating to make “Anthology Film: Women in the Maghreb – Mashreq Region” have completed production of their short films and are now starting post-production. The project is part of a programme to strengthen the film-makers’ …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/jordan-anthology-film-women-in-the-maghreb-mashreq-region-start-of-post-production/?lang=en

FRANCE / 22 films at the Festival of North African Film on Corsica

Festival des cinémas du Maghreb

From March 7th to 17th Corsica has been revealing the wealth of North African cinema with the 3rd Cinémaghreb. This festival takes place in 5 cities across the island: Ajaccio, Porto-Vecchio, Ile-Rousse, Corte and Prunelli di Fium’Orbu. Organized by APTCA – Association Populaire des Tunisien(ne)s de Corse et Ami(e)s, it hopes to act as “a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-22-films-at-the-festival-of-north-african-film-on-corsica/?lang=en