Warm Film, a documentary co-directed by Dragan Jovićević (journalist and writer) and Nikola Ljuca (director), about the way gays are represented in Yugoslav and Serbian cinema, is entering post-production. When two up-and-coming actors (played by Đorđe Mišina and Đorđe Galić) are cast as gays in a movie, they make it their mission to explore how …
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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/balkans-warm-film-a-documentary-about-the-representation-of-gays/?lang=en
BOSNIA – HERZEGOVINA / Maja Novaković starts post-production for her new film
Recently awarded the Al Jazeera Balkans Award at the Beldocs Pitching Forum, the docu-drama At the Door of the House Who Will Come Knocking by director Maja Novaković is entering post-production. The film is scheduled for release in the first half of 2024. Written by Ms. Novaković and Jonathan Hourigan, the film is set on …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/bosnia-herzegovina-maja-novakovic-starts-post-production-for-her-new-film/?lang=en
MIDDLE-EAST / A Palestinian and a Jordanian documentaryat the Sundance Institute
Organized from June 16th to 24th the Sundance Institute’s Documentary Edit and Story Lab hosted 4 documentary directors and their projects, including a Jordanian film and a Palestinian film. Designed to encourage experimentation and risk-taking through peer-to-peer engagement, this week-long gathering creates a place and an atmosphere for the chosen directors to develop, question and …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/middle-east-a-palestinian-and-a-jordanian-documentaryat-the-sundance-institute/?lang=en
BALKANS / Launching a regional academy for film and television
During the 3rd Ponta Lopud Film Festival (June 20th– 24th), the organisers launched the Regional Film and TV Academy together with their colleagues at the Sarajevo Film Festival. Their aim is to develop the mentoring, exchange and promotion of film and television projects produced in all the countries of former Yugoslavia. It will organise professional …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/balkans-launching-a-regional-academy-for-film-and-television/?lang=en
ALBANIA/ “Waterdrop” by Robert Budina now in post-production
Writer-director Robert Budina, is currently in post-production with his third feature: Waterdrop. Set in a small Albanian town, the main character is the director of urban planning at the town hall. Together with her husband and the mayor, she works a successful system of corruption. But when her 16-year-old son is charged with raping a …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/albania-waterdrop-by-robert-budina-now-in-post-production/?lang=en
CROATIA / The Pula Film Festival announces its selection
Considered the oldest national film festival in the world, the 70th Pula Film Festival will be held from July 15thto 22nd. This year there are 80 films on the programme, including 14 Croatian features in competition. In the competitive category there are 11 fiction features, 2 documentaries and an animated film. The film opening the …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/croatia-the-pula-film-festival-announces-its-selection/?lang=en
FRANCE – ISRAEL / Applications now open for the Franco-Israeli co-writing residence
The call for projects for the fifth Franco-Israeli co-writing residency for series is open until September 12th. Organised by the French Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image animée and the Israeli Gesher Multicultural Film Fund, this residency gives French and Israeli scriptwriters a chance to work together. To qualify, each project must have at …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-israel-applications-now-open-for-the-franco-israeli-co-writing-residence/?lang=en