Category: CINEMA

All about cinema in Mediterranean

ITALY / Launch of VatiVision

Announced in October 2019, the private Italian platform VatiVision was launched on June 8th. This new service broadcasts films, series and documentaries with a Catholic theme. The slogan on its website sums up its aim: “Culture, art and faith, everywhere with you”. The programmes are available on any media (television, computer, tablet, mobile phone). The …

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MOROCCO / Five directors capture everyday life during the lock-down

The lock-down was a creative time for several Mediterranean directors. In Morocco, the creative studio JAWJAB, in partnership with International Media Support, wanted to encourage film-makers to express themselves about this period. JAWJAB deputy general manager Younes Lazrak said the project’s aim was to record artists’ visions of the lock-down through their images. He added …

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ITALY / Signature of two decrees supporting the film and audiovisual industries

On June 5th Dario Franceschini, the Italian Minister for Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism, signed two decrees supporting the film and audiovisual industries. Worth a total of €120 million, these measures are a new use of Italy’s Emergency Fund for Cinema and Entertainment created in March (the Cura Italia decree). The first decree strengthens the …

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EUROPE / 28 co-productions supported by Eurimages

At the end of May the Eurimages Management Committee had their 158th meeting to announce which co-productions will receive financial support this year. 19 feature film projects, 2 animated films and 7 documentaries were selected. The total amount of aid is €6,138,000. 34% of the projects discussed were for films made by women. 37.5% of …

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SPAIN / The voyage of Salka, In No Man’s Land

The Catalan film-maker Xavi Herrero presented his new feature Salka, In No Man’s Land at the 23rd DocsBarcelona film festival. This, his fifth film, is about the journey of a young woman, Salka. Salka lives in Mauritania, one of the poorest countries in the world. Hoping for a better future, she decides to emigrate to …

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SPAIN / CIMA IMPULSA encourages women film-makers

The Spanish Association of Women in Film and the Audiovisual Media (CIMA) has launched a new training programme to help women get into the audiovisual industry – CIMA IMPULSA. In particular it’s aimed at script-writers and producers to help them develop their projects. The initiative is similar to the one launched in mid-April, by the …

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ITALY / The #iorestoinSALA initiative

Although Italian cinemas should reopen on June 15th, Italian distributors continue to work together to keep their audiences. Their new initiative is called #iorestoinSALA (I’m staying in the cinema). Behind the name are 71 exhibitors from across the country who want to create a new circuit of virtual cinemas to restore the link between the …

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