Category: CINEMA

All about cinema in Mediterranean

ALGERIA / Making a film about the life of Youcef Zighoud

Youcef Zighoud

The town of Mila’s old quarter has been chosen for shooting some of the film about Youssef Zighoud, fighter and leader of the National Liberation Front (FLN). Produced by the Ministry of War Veterans (which protects and promotes Algerian Revolution veterans) and directed by Mounès Khamar, the announcement of this bio-pic comes as part of …

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ISRAEL / The minister of Culture wants to end subsidies for “offensive” films


Miki Zohar, a Likud member and current Minister of Culture and Sports, announced on Ynet radio that he wants the state to stop subsidizing films considered “offensive” to the country or its armed forces. “The state,” he explains, “doesn’t have to fund such controversial content.” Without specifying the criteria for defining a film “offensive”, he …

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EGYPT – TUNISIA / Selma Baccar, guest of honour at the AIWFF

Aswan International Women’s Festival

The 7th Aswan International Women’s Film Festival (AIWFF – March 5th to 10th) has announced Tunisian director, producer and politician Selma Baccar will be a guest of honour. Every year the festival highlights the work of women in the world of cinema. By choosing Ms. Baccar as a guest of honour the organizers want to …

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MOROCCO / 28th Tétouan Festival of Mediterranean Film

Festival du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Tétouan

Created in 1985, the Tetouan Festival of Mediterranean Film returns for its 28th year from March 3rd to 10th. This year the organizers are enriching the programme with new events which support creativity and strengthen professional ties across the Mediterranean. During the Tetouan Workshops directors and scriptwriters will be able to present their projects to …

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SLOVENIA / Slovenian Film Centre: assessment of 2022 and news for 2023


On January 26th the Slovenian Film Centre (SFC) held a press conference in Ljubljana to announce the results of its activities in 2022 and its projects for 2023. Following the 2022 call for applications, the SFC financed seven fiction features, including Marko Naberšnik’s Whites Wash at Ninety, Damjan Kozole’s 20 Metres and FC Freedom by …

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EGYPT – ALGERIA / The Life After at the Luxor African Film Festival

La vis d'après

Anis Djaad’s The Life After was screened at the 12th Luxor African Film Festival. Organized in the town of Luxor, the festival was held from February 4th to 10th. Created in 2012 to remedy the low representation of African films in Egypt, the event champions African films and encourages partnerships between the continent’s film-makers. The …

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MOROCCO / First general assembly for the Union marocaine des festivals de cinéma

Drapeau Maroc

Announced in September 2022 by representatives from several film festivals, the Union marocaine des festivals de cinéma (UMFC) held its first general assembly on January 7th in Rabat and elected its executive board. Ben Younes Bahkani (director of the Saidia Film Festival) was elected president, Azzedine El Ouafi (director of the Cap Spartel Festival in …

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