THE ARAB WORLD / The winners at the ASBU festival

festival de l’ASBU

Many programmes won awards at the 24th Arab Radio and Television Festival, between June 26th and 29th.

One of the countries present, Tunisia, won six awards for its television and radio programmes. The Établissement de la Télévision tunisienne received second prize in the “Variety and Shows” category for Palestine in the Heart while three programmes from the Tunisian Radio Establishment won awards in the “Cultural”, “Scientific” and “New Media” categories.

Morocco’s Société nationale de radiodiffusion et de télévision (SNRT) submitted the series Ach Hada which took second prize in the “Drama” category. Ach Hada is a popular comedy about a retired father, Si Brahim, who shares a peaceful existence with his wife and their 3 children. But their world is turned upside down when Si Brahim’s sister arrives from France with plans to settle in Morocco.

Palestine, the guest of honour at this 24th ASBU festival, was present at the heart of the competitions, with Palestinian programmes taking first prize in the “Reportage” and “Documentary” categories and 2nd prize in the “Television News” category.

Sources : HESPRESS, La Presse, SNRT

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