TUNISIA / ASBU’s 24th Arab Radio and Television Festival

ASBU festival

The 24th Arab Radio and Television Festival will be held from June 26th to 29th in Tunis at the City of Culture.

Organized by the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU), in partnership with the Tunisian Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the Établissement de la Télévision tunisienne, this festival promotes Arab radio and television creation, presenting the latest technological innovations.

The slogan of this 24th edition is “Support Palestine”. In solidarity with the Palestinian cause, the programming will highlight the role of Palestinian and Arab media in covering the war in Gaza and the situation in the Palestinian territories.

In addition to this theme, there will be a major exhibition, conferences and competitions for radio and television programmes.

The organizers said they received a large number of applications for the competitions: 289 television programmes and 142 radio programmes. Only a few can be selected for the official and the parallel competitions.

Sources: Web Manager Center, RTCI, Le Temps

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