ALGERIA / 19th Béjaïa Rencontres cinématographiques

19e édition des Rencontres cinématographiques de Béjaïa

The 19th Béjaïa Film Meetings will take place from September 24th to 29th.

Organized for the past 20 years by the Project’heurts association, these Rencontres are Algeria’s oldest film event. Open to the public and professionals, they promote international films and develop film projects in the region.

Each year, the programme shows short films and feature-length drama documentaries from different countries. Contributing to the discussions animating the world of cinema today, a Café Ciné and round tables are organized throughout the week. These moments of interchange are a chance for professionals and the public to discuss new issues.

This year the organizers have created the “Zermani” scholarship which will enable three people who live in Algeria and have projects for feature-length drama films to take part in the festival’s workshops. They will present their projects at a pitching session and the jury will give an award to one of them.

Sources: El Watan, Rencontres cinématographiques de Béjaïa

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