101 results for serbia

Bosnia-Herzegovina / “Prospi Vode Za Monom” chosen for Annecy’s Mifa Pitches

Festival d'Annecy

The Bosnian animation feature Prospi Vode Za Mnom has been selected for the Mifa Pitches at the Annecy Festival. Created by the festival organisers, Mifa pitches offer a selection of the best animation projects in development. This year they will be held between June 15th and 16th, with 32 films selected in 4 categories: Feature …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/bosnia-herzegovina-prospi-vode-za-monom-chosen-for-annecys-mifa-pitches/?lang=en

Cyprus / “Dog” wins awards at Cyprus Film Days

Affiche Dog

The 20th Cyprus Film Days (CFD) took place from April 8th to 16th in two Cypriot towns, Limassol and Nicosia. The international jury – Karel Och, Alise Gelze, David Martinez, Daphne Alexander and Greg Stępniak – gave the Best Cypriot Film Award to Dog. The film’s director, Yianna Americanou, received €4,000. The principal actor, Dimitris …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/cyprus-dog-wins-awards-at-cyprus-film-days/?lang=en

CROATIA / “NDH”, HRT’s first documentary series about the Ustaše government


Since September the Croatian public radio and television company HRT has been broadcasting “NDH”, the first documentary series about the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) which was governed by the Ustaše during World War II. A subject which, 45 years after the end of the war, remains extremely sensitive. NDH and the Ustaše Created after the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/ndh/?lang=en

FRANCE / “Hive” wins the Gold Antigone at the 2021 CINEMED

Affiche Cinemed 2021

Blerta Basholli’s “Hive” won the Antigone d’Or at the CINEMED festival in Montpellier, an award worth €15,000. Jury president Asia Argento explains their choice: “The film moved us with the courage of its words, the poignant interpretation of the actress who embodies, with such overwhelming strength, the tenacity of a woman who refuses to back …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/hive-cinemed/?lang=en

BALKANS / Total success for the biopic “Toma” in ex-Yugoslavia


“Toma” presents us with the life of the hugely popular Yugoslav singer and songwriter Tomislav (Toma) Zdravkovic (played by Milan Marić). In its first week in Bosnia and Herzegovina the film broke box-office records, selling 40,877 tickets, while in its first 5 weeks in Serbia and Montenegro it sold 555,546 and 145,659 in Bosnia. The …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/toma/?lang=en

CROATIA / “Cinema under Siege” voted best documentary project at the Sunny Side of the Doc

Cinema Under Siege

The documentary “Cinema under Siege” won the Best Project Award in the Talent Hub Central & Eastern Europe section at the 2021 Sunny Side of the Doc co-production market. The film by Srđan Šarenac is about a group of artists in 1993 determined to organize the first Sarajevo Film Festival despite the siege of Sarajevo. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/cinema-under-siege/?lang=en

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / “Hejt Sloveni”: the video against hate speech seen by several million viewers

Hejt Sloveni

Published by Buka, a Bosnian online magazine, “Hejt Sloveni” is a video made as part of an awareness campaign inviting reflection about the hate speech current in ex-Yugoslavia’s social media. The pun is subtle: Hejt (hatred) is similar to Hej, as in “Hej Sloveni” (Hey Slavs) – the title of the Bosnian national anthem. The video shows a Bosnian …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/hejt-sloveni/?lang=en