143 results for lebanon

Lebanon / Project to re-open a theatre and cinema in Tripoli

Logo Tiro

With the help of his NGO Tiro for Arts, Lebanese actor/director Kassem Istanbouli is restoring Tripoli’s Empire Cinema. Dating from the 1940’s the Empire is the last cinema still standing in Tell Square – where there used to be five. It has been closed since 1988. Even though Tripoli is the Lebanon’s second largest city …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/lebanon-project-to-re-open-a-theatre-and-cinema-in-tripoli/?lang=en

LEBANON / The Lebanese series “Beirut 6:07” nominated for the International Emmy Awards

Beyrouth 6:07

A series of fifteen short films, “Beirut 6:07” traces the story of the double explosion in Beirut’s port on August 4th 2020, causing several hundred deaths, injuring thousands, and destroying several entire districts of the city. The production employed 15 Lebanese directors, a team of 100 and 5 post-production units. Among the 15 directors were …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/beirut-607/?lang=en

LEBANON / “Hell’s Gate”, first experimental, apocalyptic Lebanese series

Hell's Gate

“Hell’s Gate” is set in Beirut in the year 2052. The 8-part series takes us into a destroyed world after a succession of conflicts and deadly pandemics. The socio-political system has been replaced by “The State of the Union”, a conglomerate of nefarious private investors and companies. A group of revolutionaries prepares to overthrow it. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/hells-gate/?lang=en

FRANCE LEBANON / Audrey Diwan’s “L’Évènement” wins the Golden Lion for Best Film at the 78th Venice Film Festival


“L’Évènement” (Happening), a film by French-Lebanese director Audrey Diwan, has won the Golden Lion, Venice Film Festival’s highest prize. Adapted from Annie Ernaux’ autobiographical novel published in 2000, it looks at the issue of illegal abortions in France in the 1960’s. Set in 1963, 12 years before the law forbidding abortions changed, the story follows …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/levenement/?lang=en

LEBANON / Lana Daher’s “Do You Love Me” wins the Sundance Documentary Fund

Do you love me

“Do You Love Me” wins the Sundance Documentary Fund to finance its production. In 2019 the film received the Robert Bosch Stiftung Film Award as well as development funding from the IDFA Bertha Fund and the Doha Film Institute. The feature film is a “kind of visual patchwork” made up of archives, both of the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/do-you-love-me/?lang=en

LEBANON / The 3rd “Girls for Change” closes

Girls For Change

Organized by the Beirut Film Society, the 3rd “Girls for Change” has now closed. The programme is part of “Li Beirut” (For Beirut), an international initiative launched by UNESCO in the aftermath of the explosions in the capital’s port on August 27th 2020. The 3-month training programme has enabled 100 young girls from Beirut’s battered suburbs to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/3rd-girls-for-change/?lang=en

SWITZERLAND / Lebanon guest of honour of the 16th International Oriental Film Festival of Geneva

16e Fifog

The International Oriental Film Festival of Geneva (Fifog) honours Lebanon for its 16th edition, which runs from June 21st to 27th. Lebanese writer, journalist and activist Joumana Haddad will be honorary president. “Hope … a little, a lot, passionately” The central theme of this year’s rich programme is hope. There are two competitions, one for features, another …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/international-oriental-film-festival-of-geneva/?lang=en