157 results for arab world

SPAIN / The Festival of Films by Women closes

Films by Women

The 5th Festival of Films by Women was held in Madrid from October 25th to November 6th. There were screenings in 22 venues across the city, as well as online and on television, in partnership with 8madrid TV. This year focussing on the Netherlands, the programme had 10 sections, including the National and the International …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/spain-the-festival-of-films-by-women-closes/?lang=en

Tunisia / 33rd Carthage Film Days


The 33rdJournées Cinématographiques de Carthage(JCC – Carthage Film Days) took place from October 29th to November 5th. Created in 1962, this festival celebrates films from the African continent and the so-called “Southern” cinema. Managing Director Sonia Chamkhi values ​​heritage films as much as contemporary work, regardless of genre and style. Above all, she highlights “original …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/tunisia-33rd-carthage-film-days/?lang=en

Jordan / The Selection for the Amman International Film Festival now available

Amman International Film Festival

The Amman International Film Festival celebrates its third year from July 20th to 27th. It is exclusively for first films, describing itself as “the first international festival of this scale to focus entirely on first-time achievements in film-making.” This year 52 films, feature-length and short films combined, from 29 countries are on the programme. The …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/jordan-the-selection-for-the-amman-international-film-festival-now-available/?lang=en

Tunisia / Project call for the Carthage Journées Cinématographiques

Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage

Preparations are under way for the 33rd Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage (JCC), scheduled to run from October 29th to November 5th. Now in its 56th year in the heart of Carthage (Tunisia), the event showcases films from African and Arab countries, although also from the rest of the world. Through the wide range of screenings, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/tunisia-project-call-for-the-carthage-journees-cinematographiques/?lang=en

Morocco / Moroccan actor Soufiane El Khalidy in a new Egyptian series

Logo MBC Group

Soufiane El Khalidy heads the cast of a new detective series, The Octet, directed by Ahmed Medhat and produced by the Saudi group MBC. It centres on an Interpol agent, Adham, investigating the murder of his girlfriend and her sister at a party in Cairo. Soufiane El Khalidy stars alongside two other Egyptian actors Asser …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/morocco-moroccan-actor-soufiane-el-khalidy-in-a-new-egyptian-series/?lang=en

Jordan / Commitment to sexual equality during the 10th Women’s Film Week in Amman

Affiche Women's Film Week

International Women’s Rights Day on March 8th was the occasion for Jordan’s Royal Film Commission to open the 10th Women’s Film Week in Amman. The event is organized under the patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Basma, Honorary Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women, and in partnership with UN Women. Since its creation in 2012 the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/jordan-commitment-to-sexual-equality-during-the-10th-womens-film-week-in-amman/?lang=en



In concomitance with FIPADOC, the Biarritz International Documentary Festival, TV5Monde is offering a special selection of French-language documentaries. To be seen on the free TV5MONDEplus platform. TV5MONDEplus is the international French-speaking video-on-demand platform. Accessible anywhere in the world, this content offer is exclusively in French with subtitles and aims to vocation the promotion of French-language …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/a-selection-of-documentaries-on-tv5monde-plus/?lang=en