TUNISIA / “Tournez, mesdames”: Women film-makers in the spot-light

tournez-“Tournez, mesdames!” (Make films, ladies) said Alice Guy-Blaché, the film industry’s first woman director, in 1914. A century later, women directors continue to enrich our way of looking at the world. They fight, invent, shatter stereotypes. And their films, full of humour, fury or impertinence, help us discover other realities, other truths.
Women film-makers are increasingly active in films from the Arab world. A film club, “Le Cercle de L’Alhambra” has turned the spotlight on this increasingly large and diverse spectrum of cinematographic voices. Every Tuesday during March, screenings were organized, followed by discussions. Thus audiences discovered, or rediscovered, films like Jocelyne Saab’s “Dunia”, Raja Amari’s “Satin Rouge”, Leila Kilani’s “Sur La Planche” and Nadine Labaki’s “Et maintenant on va où ?”, as well as short films such as Intissar Belaid’s “Pousses de Printemps”, Nejma Zghidi’s “Feu” and Mirvet Medini Kammoun’s “Nejma”.

Source: africultures.com


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