Category: Tunisia

News about audiovisual in Tunisia

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TUNISIA / Controversy surrounding series shown during Ramadan

There are always a lot of television series aired in North Africa during Ramadan, appealing to a wide audience every day when the fast is broken. Very often these productions made for Ramadan tackle sensitive subjects, but this year some series have created controversy. There has been a lot of discussion about a series called …

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TUNISIA / Candidate call for the Journées cinématographiques de Carthage

The festival organizers have announced that the 31st Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage will take place from November 7th to 12th 2020. The competition’s different sections – feature-length and short dramas, documentaries and animation – are open only to African and Arab directors. Created to present and promote African and Arab films, the Carthage Cinematographic Days …

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FRANCE TUNISIA / Project call by the CNC and the CNCI

The French Centre National du Cinéma (CNC) and its Tunisian equivalent, the CNCI, are renewing the bilateral co-production finance fund created in 2017. For three years this fund has provided grants for feature film projects of 60 minutes or more. The films, of any genre, must be intended for an initial cinema release and have …

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TUNISIA / Launch of “ Wataniya éducative”

On April 14th the Tunisian Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Television signed a partnership agreement to create Wataniya éducative a national educational television channel. The following day it was launched. Every day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. lessons are broadcast for pupils working towards the national exams. Transmitted by satellite, these lessons …

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TUNISIA / MACTS sets up a crisis cell

Following the measures announced by the Tunisian government to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, MACTS has created a crisis cell. The Mutuelle des Artistes, des Créateurs et des Techniciens du Secteur Culturel has existed since 2017 and sees itself as a “tool for solidarity between workers in different sectors concerned with culture.” Faced with the current …

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TUNISIA / Creation of a “Culture Recovery Fund”

On March 22nd the Tunisian Ministry of Cultural Affairs announced that a Fonds Relance Culture (FRC – Culture Recovery Fund) will be created for people in this sector during the Coronavirus crisis. The fund will support professionals and cultural places, helping them avoid financial problems during confinement. So far more than 700 events and festivals …

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TUNISIA / A new Tunisian action series : # 27

Every year Tunisian television channels schedule many new programmes during Ramadan, and this year writer/director Yousri Bouassida will present his new television series # 27. The series is named after a specialised anti-terrorist unit within the Tunisian army. The series will be as much about the daily lives of these soldiers, following their family stories …

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