Category: Tunisia

News about audiovisual in Tunisia

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TUNISIA / The Manarat Festival comes back for a 2nd year

The second Manarat Festival, exclusively for Mediterranean films, is taking place from July 1st to 7th at the Tunis City of Culture – and on 10 beaches along the coast where there will be free open-air screenings for everyone, Les toiles de mer. The Manarat festival was created in 2018, the initiative of Dora Bouchoucha, …

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NORTH AFRICA / TV5MONDE remains the top French-language channel in North Africa

TV5MONDE is again the most watched French-language channel in North Africa in the 15 and over category, according to the 2018 figures provided by Kantar TNS Africascope Maghreb. In the three countries concerned, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia, TV5MONDE achieved a cumulative weekly audience of 11.3% in that age-bracket, its second best score since the study …

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TUNISIA / 20th Arab Radio and Television Festival

For the second year running, between June 27th and 30th, the City of Culture in Tunis is hosting the Arab Radio and Television Festival. This year’s event marks the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU), and is also the 20th festival of its kind. The Festival’s role is to …

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TUNISIA / Nabil Karoui will stand in the presidential election

On May 27th, using his own channel as a platform, the owner of the private Tunisian channel Nessma TV announced his intention to stand in November’s presidential elections. For several months Nabil Karoui has topped opinion polls. He is the first to formally declare his decision, before any of the country’s political parties have announced …

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TUNISIA / Nessma TV resumes broadcasting after a short interruption

Tunisia’s television watchdog HAICA, (Haute Autorité Indépendante de la Communication Audiovisuelle), has decided to close the private television channel Nessma TV because it broadcast programmes without legal authorization. The police raided the channel’s offices on April 25th to seize equipment and thus force it to cease broadcasting. The Tunisian channel was asked to modify its …

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TUNISIA / The film “Dachra” creates an event with Tunisian audiences

Since its release in cinemas at the end of January, Tunisia’s first horror film has been a huge success, attracting more than 100,000 spectators in the first two weeks — making it a real cinematographic event. Two weeks later that figure had risen to 200,000, a record for a Tunisian film over the last 20 …

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TUNISIA / Filming a Netflix period series

Filming in Tunisia

A series produced by the American SVoD giant Netflix, Mamlek el-Nar, will be shot exclusively in Tunisia. The planned shooting schedule is 20 weeks. Tunisian actor Moez Ghdiri announced it during a radio interview on Mosaïque FM. The series director is the British film-maker Peter Webber, best known for The Girl with the Pearl and …

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