All informatons for producers in Mediterranean

LEBANON / AFAC and Netflix support for Lebanese broadcasting

Netflix has partnered with the Arab Fund for Art and Culture (AFAC) to create a solidarity fund for the Lebanese film and television industry. This emergency resource is intended to support the artistic community, which is among the most affected by the coronavirus crisis. The fund totals around $500,000. Financial help will be offered in …

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CROATIA / The Croatian Audiovisual Centre unblocks €660,000 for feature films

The Croatian Audiovisual Centre has announced it has secured a further €660,000 for financing feature film projects. Development projects planning to enter production in 2020 or 2021 can receive up to €72,000, with the proviso that they are ready to start filming before December 31st 2021.Post-production projects will be eligible for €13,000 provided their film …

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FRANCE / The Mediterranean Coproduction Forum

The 2nd Mediterranean Co-production Forum will take place from October 30th to November 1st in the 6th arrondissement of Marseille. The event is organized by Méditalents, an association helping film-makers from all Mediterranean countries to write or develop their projects. Through this Forum the association hopes to build a co-production and cultural network. The Forum …

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SPAIN / The ICAA provides finance for feature-length projects

The Spanish Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales (ICAA) has finalised its project to help finance the production of feature-length film projects. The total amount being offered is 11.9 million euros. A minimum of 35% of this is for films directed by women and a maximum of 25% must be reserved for …

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ALBANIA KOSOVO / Signing of agreements linked to culture

In early October, Albania and Kosovo signed 13 agreements. Every year senior representatives of the two countries meet in Tirana to discuss their countries’ compliance with the principles of free movement of goods, capital, services and labour. Among the agreements signed, two are linked to culture. One concerns setting up a joint programme between the …

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MOROCCO / The Ouarzazate studios stop work

Although in normal times Morocco, and particularly the region around Ouarzazate, attracts many international productions, these are now rare because of the Covid pandemic. Since March, foreign productions in the Ouarzazate studios have had to stop working. Only two international projects have been completed, Cherry by Joe and Anthony Russo (United States) and a Spanish …

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FRANCE / Using the Bible 50/50

The Bible 50/50 is a reference directory of and for film and audiovisual professionals. Created by the Collectif 50/50, its aim is to give visibility to those who are often passed over unseen, in order to encourage employers to select the most diverse professional profiles possible. France Télévisions has joined forces with the Collectif 50/50 …

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