Latest breaking news and information about mediterranean televisions and institutions

EGYPT / A presenter suspended having criticised Al Sissi

On November 8th Azza El Hennawy, a presenter on the public channel Al Qahera Al Youm (Cairo Today), was suspended by the management. Hani Jaafar, chairman of ERTU’s regional channels (Egyptian public television and radio), said the journalist had been laid off for not fulfilling her “duty of objectivity”. In early November, Ms El Henawy …

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FRANCE / A monthly documentary slot on France 24

France 24

The news channel France 24 has launched a new slot for longer reports and documentaries. Lasting 26 minutes, “Reporters, le doc” will be broadcast every second Saturday of the month and will give greater depth to current topics. The programme will air on France 24‘s French, English and Arabic channels, and will be available on …

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LIBYA / A new “media centre” project in Benghazi

The Information and Culture Authority, a government department in Tobruk, announced on November 7th that soon a “media centre” would be built in the Al Salmani district of Benghazi. Covering 2,000 m², the building will house television and radio studios, as well as offices which can be used for all types of public and private …

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ITALY / New Director for Fox International Channels

On January 1st 2016 Fabrizio Salini will be replaced by the Australian Kathryn Fink to run the satellite package Fox International Channels (FIC) Italy. Salini announced he would be leaving his post to “pursue new opportunities” in another broadcasting group, which, he added, “would not be in competition with Fox.” He has been Director of …

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FRANCE / The contents of “Mediterraneo” in November

Bulgaria is the European Union’s poorest country, with an average wage of less than €400 a month. An economic and social problem which particularly hits the rural areas. Since the fall of communism there has been a steady drain of people from farming communities. To the west of the country, an NGO is resisting. In …

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MENA / beIN extends its bouquet to films and entertainment

The Qatari beIN Media Group, a subsidiary of Al Jazeera, announced the imminent launch in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) of 24 new HD channels on its pay-TV platform, showing films, entertainment and youth programmes. Four of the channels have been available since November 1st : two beIN Movies channels and two beIN …

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SPAIN / 55 million euros for public broadcasting in Valencia

In 2016 the Consell de la Generalitat Valenciana will invest €26 million to complete the liquidation of Ràdio Televisió Valencia (RTVV), a process which began in late 2013. The amount appears in the annual budget submitted to the autonomous community’s parliament on October 30th. Another €29 million will be invested in 2016 to create a …

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