News about Festivals in Mediterranean

MOROCCO / Return of the Marrakesh Fête du Cinéma

The 2nd Fête du Cinéma in Marrakech was organized from September 27th to 29th. The Festival opened with Zabou Breitman’s Swallows of Kabul. There were screenings of Moroccan film classics, such as: De quelques événements sans signification (1974, Mostafa Derkaoui) and the rushes of La Longue Journée (1969, Mohamed Abazi and Donna Woolf), discovered in …

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ITALY / The 24th Milan Film Festival focuses on the cinema of change

The 24th Milan Film Festival opened on October 4th and runs until the 10th. All the feature films in official competition have a common theme: Change. For example, coming of age and the transition to adulthood, a changed point of view or a change of social status. Johannes Nyholm’s Koko-di Koko-da addresses the theme of …

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SPAIN / During the European Film Forum in San Sebastian, co-finance, co-production and co-distribution are all discussed

Organized in collaboration with Creative Europe MEDIA, the European Film Forum tackled various issues during the San Sebastian Festival. The main theme was “New Models of Cooperation in the Broadcasting Industry”. “We want to talk about new ways of production, financing and distribution, so that film professionals can keep developing their projects with the strongest …

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ITALY / The Naples Film Festival: a wide-ranging programme

The 21st Naples Film Festival was held from September 23rd to October 1st.In the Europe / Mediterranean section several new talents emerged: – Italian director Fabio Massa with Mai per Semper (a dramatic story about friendship and love, the struggle between good and evil)– Croatian director Barbara Vekaric with Aleksi (the story of a girl …

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FRANCE EGYPT / The PriMed’s Prix des Jeunes de la Méditerranée makes a first call in Egypt

The first event for this year’s PriMed took place in Egypt, with the CMCA meeting a total of 400 young people in Cairo, Alexandria and Port Said to discuss how they see their place in the Mediterranean world. To help the students sharpen their critical sense and express their opinions, the meetings were guided and …

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SPAIN / The next European Film Forum will be held during the San Sebastián Festival on September 23rd

After meeting in Venice on August 31st, the European Film Forum will meet again on September 23rd in San Sebastián, in the Basque country. It will take place during the film festival at the San Telmo Museum, with discussions around the theme of “New finance and collaboration models for promoting European films”. The European Film …

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CANADA / Films from the Mediterranean region win awards at the Toronto International Film Festival

The 44th TIFF has just wrapped in Canada, and several Mediterranean films have won awards there. The People’s Choice Award is for three films selected and voted by festival audiences. Since 2009 the award has been split into three categories: Film, Documentary and Midnight Madness. • PEOPLE’S CHOICE: MIDNIGHT MADNESS AWARD The Platform, by Spanish …

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