News about Festivals in Mediterranean

FRANCE / “Palestine en vue” Festival

The sixth Palestine en vue festival will take place from March 31st to April 8th 2020. Held in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region of France, the festival shows the local public the diversity of Palestinian films. It also highlights the different players within this world. Behind the project is the ERAP foundation, which this year gives the presidency …

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FRANCE / Panorama of North African and the Middle Eastern Films

From March 3rd to 21st the Panorama des Cinémas du Maghreb et du Moyen-Orient (Panorama of North African and the Middle Eastern Films) returns for its fifteenth year. Organized by Indigènes Films, the PCMMO is an international film festival showing the diversity of film-making in the Middle East and North Africa. Every year for a …

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FRANCE / New Printemps du film engagé

The citizens’ collective behind the Printemps du film engagé (Season of politically committed film) is preparing its fifth edition. From Friday March 6th to Wednesday 13th the catch-phrase in Marseille will be: “Y’a urgence !” (This is an emergency!). For a week, screenings followed by discussions are scheduled in different venues in Marseille. The Le Gyptis …

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CROATIA / 4th History Film Festival

From September 8th to the 12th, and for the fourth consecutive year, the History Film Festival will take place in Rijeka in Croatia. Focussing on historical documentary films, the international festival offers audiences an overview of recent history films and television programmes, while for four days cinema professionals can come together and discuss current issues. …

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ITALY / 14th Integrazione Film Festival (IFF)


Building on the success of previous years, the IFF Integrazione Film Festival is back for its 14th edition. Last year more than 150 directors, Italian and foreign, sent in their films, proof of the growing interest among film-makers for the IFF. But its success is also due to a positive response from the public, with …

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FRANCE / 6th edition Ciné-Palestine Toulouse Occitanie

The 6th edition of Ciné-Palestine Toulouse Occitanie will take place from March 1st to 10th. This event invites the audience to explore the Palestinian artistic universe through a rich programme. Ciné-Palestine invites spectators to come together and meet during screenings, debates or concerts. With 38 screenings, 27 films and 19 guests, this new edition will …

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FRANCE / 24th PriMed begins its selection process

PriMed – International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary and Reportage is open to all directors, producers and broadcasters who, through their programmes or films, help to create a better understanding of the countries of the Mediterranean region in its broadest sense, from the Atlantic coast to the Black Sea. The audiovisual works submitted should deal with …

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