News about Festivals in Mediterranean

TUNISIA / Fears that the Moknine cinema will be demolished


CinéMakna, one of only three cinemas in Moknine, a town in the province of Monastir, seems scheduled for demolition. Having shown films for 50 years, although not continuously, it may now be replaced by a shopping centre. To alert the public, “The Moknine Cinema Association” has issued a press release. Younes Ben Hajria, a film …

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Croatia / ZagrebDox Pro: Dox of War opens its project call

Zagreb Dox

The call for projects for the next ZagrebDox Pro programme is open until January 31st. Entitled Dox of War, this year’s focus will be on documentaries dealing with war. Through a one-year online mentorship and a five-day workshop (March 27th-31st), ZagrebDox Pro offers film-makers with a documentary project the chance to develop their work with …

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ITALY / Winners of the MedFilm Festival

MED FF 2022

Each year the MedFilm Festival, Rome’s oldest international film festival, invites audiences to discover the Mediterranean’s many cultures in a programme of drama and documentary films. The 28th edition was held from November 3rd to 13th. During the closing ceremony, the different juries rewarded this year’s best films. Among the works in the Official Competition, …

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MEDITERRANEAN / Programme of the 22nd Brussels Cinemamed


The 22nd Brussels festival for Mediterranean films, Cinemamed, will be held from December 2nd to 10th. On the opening evening there will be a screening of Maryam Touzani’s Le Bleu du Caftan. Created in 1989, this festival highlights films rarely seen in Belgium, providing “a space for dialogue and exchange between North and South, between …

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SPAIN / The Festival of Films by Women closes

Films by Women

The 5th Festival of Films by Women was held in Madrid from October 25th to November 6th. There were screenings in 22 venues across the city, as well as online and on television, in partnership with 8madrid TV. This year focussing on the Netherlands, the programme had 10 sections, including the National and the International …

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SLOVENIA / Festival of Migrant Film opens its call for films


The call for films for the 14th Festival of Migrant Film is open until January 15th 2023. The event is for international film-makers, video artists and activists working with refugees. Every type of production is accepted, regardless of genre, duration or year of production, but they must be subtitled in English or Slovenian. The 14th …

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Tunisia / 33rd Carthage Film Days


The 33rdJournées Cinématographiques de Carthage(JCC – Carthage Film Days) took place from October 29th to November 5th. Created in 1962, this festival celebrates films from the African continent and the so-called “Southern” cinema. Managing Director Sonia Chamkhi values ​​heritage films as much as contemporary work, regardless of genre and style. Above all, she highlights “original …

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