Category: CINEMA

All about cinema in Mediterranean

ROMANIA / Collective put forward for the 2021 Oscars

Alexander Nanau’s Collective has been chosen to represent Romania at the Oscars – the first time Romania has chosen a documentary to represent it in the Best International Feature Film category. The film shows the investigation into corruption after a fire in a night-club killed 64 people. Shot during the twelve months after the fire, …

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LEBANON / Netflix: collection of films “made in Lebanon”

On October 19th the American streaming platform launched a series of films “made in Lebanon”. For the past year the country has been going through a political and economic crisis, and so films were chosen which give “an idea of the struggle, hopes and dreams of the Lebanese people.” There are 19 films in the …

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MOROCCO / Zineb Tamourt’s Riad de mes rêves wins award

Moroccan director Zineb Tamourt won Best Screenwriter for Riad de mes rêves at New Zealand’s RedWood Festival. Her short film is set in Casablanca at the end of the 1970’s: Hiba, 12, has always been passionate about the arts. Close to her home something called a cinema opens. Fascinated, she breaks her mother’s prohibition and …

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ALGERIA / Héliopolis will represent Algeria at the Oscars

The Comité de Sélection Algérien, whose job is to decide which film will represent Algeria at the Oscars for the Best International Feature Film Award, has chosen Djaffar Gacem’s Héliopolis. Héliopolis is the producer/director’s first feature. An experienced broadcasting professional, he is known for his sitcoms and humorous series such as Nass Mlah City, Djemai …

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TUNISIA / Appeal of the Association des Réalisateurs de Films Tunisiens

On October 5th the Association of Tunisian Film Directors (ARFT) called on the government to drop their two-week ban on demonstrations. Only the country’s cultural and artistic community is being affected by this measure. The ARFT believes that strict application of health protocols is enough to counter the spread of the coronavirus. The Association of …

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BULGARIA / Result of the Golden Rose 2020

The 38th competition for the Golden Rose was held from September 24th to October 1st in Varna, Bulgaria. Of the 19 films in competition, Ivaylo Hristov’s Fear was awarded Best Film “for its ability to tell a story about daunting issues with a certain irony.” This is the second time the director has won the …

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FRANCE ITALY / L’Ombra di Caravaggio and L’Agnello, the latest Franco-Italian productions

At the end of September L’Ombra di Caravaggio began shooting in Naples, written, directed and performed by Michele Placido. Once filming is completed in Naples, the crew will move on to Rome, then around Viterbo, Arricia, Frascati and Malta. L’Ombra is about the life of the 16th century Italian painter, Michelangelo Merisi. The cast is …

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