Category: Algeria

News about audiovisual in Algeria

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ALGERIA / Khaled Drareni condemned

On September 15th TV5Monde journalist Khaled Drareni’s three-year prison sentence was reduced to two by the Algiers Appeal Court. Drareni was arrested on March 28th for “inciting an unarmed group of people and attacking the integrity of the national territory”. His trial and original sentence were in August. Very present on social networks, host of …

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ALGERIA / Dzair TV stops transmitting

In early June the private Algerian channel Dzair TV announced it was closing down. In a statement, senior managers told staff to stay at home, saying there was no work. Although the news was formally announced at the beginning of June, the channel had already disappeared from the screens once before, in mid-March, when Eutelsat …

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ALGERIA / End of analogue transmission

Algerians can no longer receive their public television channels using terrestrial analogue. On June 17th the country switched permanently to Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) thanks to the completion of the first relay network. The release of analogue frequencies will free up resources for Digital Radio (DRM). The creation of a second DTT network is under …

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FRANCE / Algérie, mon amour, a broadcast which went down badly

On May 26th France 5 broadcast Algérie, mon amour, a documentary by journalist Mustapha Kessous. It caused an outcry in Algeria. In his film Kessous, a journalist on Le Monde, tries to explain the Hirak, an on-going popular protest movement against the state. Kessous focusses on five young Algerians under the age of 30. They …

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ALGERIA / The success of Samira TV

Samira Bezaouia and her husband, Yacine Sadek, launched the Samira TV channel in July 2013. Their studios are built on privately-owned land, they didn’t need a bank loan. Two studios are used for a cookery programme, a third is for traditional dress-making: “Kostbia”. The person behind Samira TV, Samira Bezaouia, has a university degree in …

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ALGERIA / The CADC makes some films available

Like many similar organisations, the Centre Algérien de Développement du Cinéma (CADC) has decided to make culture more accessible during the lockdown by posting several of their films, including shorts, online. First up was Anis Djaâd’s Passage à niveau which can be found on the CADC Youtube channel. Four other films can also be found …

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ALGERIA / Call for the Khenchela cinematheque to re-open

The Journées cinématographiques de Khenchela took place from February 18th to 22nd, under the banner “The Emancipating Revolution – as seen through Algerian films”. To open up a wider debate and create a culture of community sharing, film screenings were organised in several communes: notably at Tamaza, Kaïs and Chechar. During the closing ceremony, there …

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