Category: Algeria

News about audiovisual in Algeria

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FRANCE / Algérie, mon amour, a broadcast which went down badly

On May 26th France 5 broadcast Algérie, mon amour, a documentary by journalist Mustapha Kessous. It caused an outcry in Algeria. In his film Kessous, a journalist on Le Monde, tries to explain the Hirak, an on-going popular protest movement against the state. Kessous focusses on five young Algerians under the age of 30. They …

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ALGERIA / The success of Samira TV

Samira Bezaouia and her husband, Yacine Sadek, launched the Samira TV channel in July 2013. Their studios are built on privately-owned land, they didn’t need a bank loan. Two studios are used for a cookery programme, a third is for traditional dress-making: “Kostbia”. The person behind Samira TV, Samira Bezaouia, has a university degree in …

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ALGERIA / The CADC makes some films available

Like many similar organisations, the Centre Algérien de Développement du Cinéma (CADC) has decided to make culture more accessible during the lockdown by posting several of their films, including shorts, online. First up was Anis Djaâd’s Passage à niveau which can be found on the CADC Youtube channel. Four other films can also be found …

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ALGERIA / Call for the Khenchela cinematheque to re-open

The Journées cinématographiques de Khenchela took place from February 18th to 22nd, under the banner “The Emancipating Revolution – as seen through Algerian films”. To open up a wider debate and create a culture of community sharing, film screenings were organised in several communes: notably at Tamaza, Kaïs and Chechar. During the closing ceremony, there …

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FRANCE GERMANY / Alger Confidential : camera and action for Arte

Since mid-February Arte’s new series, Alger Confidential, has been filming in Germany and Morocco, and will continue until April 9th. The director is Frédéric Jardin (Braquo, Engrenages) and the scripts are written by Abdel Raouf Dafri (Un prophète, Mesrine). Alger Confidential, a mini-series of four 45-minute episodes, is adapted from Olivier Bottini’s novel Paix à …

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ALGERIA / Ahmed Bensebane new head of EPTV

On January 27th Ahmed Bensebane was appointed Director General of Algeria’s public broadcaster, the Entreprise Publique de Télévision (EPTV). The Minister of Communication Ammar Belhimer nominated him to take over from Ferthi Saïdi, acting director since January 22nd. A graduate in economics, Ahmed Bensebane has already held numerous senior positions within Algerian public television. In …

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ALGERIA / A cinema for Sétif

On January 18th a citizens’ collective in Sétif petitioned their local authorities because there is no cinema in the town. This group of cultural activists and film professionals launched an appeal,“A cinema for Sétif”, to give the local inhabitants their own space to see films. The petition begins with a reminder the town’s situation :“Setif …

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