Audiovisual in Paca and Mediterranean

PACA-MEDITERRANEE-AUDIOVISFind here all news about audiovisual in the PACA region : filming, co- productions , financing film funds, projects …

This space is dedicated to all audiovisual professionals operating in the PACA region . With this page Mediterranean Audiovisual offers a free web space to promote your activity and your exchanges. In this way we want to improve the audiovisual cooperation in the Mediterranean region .

Don’t hesitate to contact us  to promote your film projects , coproductions calls, co- financing of projects , professional research , etc.

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→ Click here to discover the cinema register of the region SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, which lists production companies, movie theaters, film commissions…


FRANCE / Filming a new episode of the Mary Higgins Clark collection in Marseille

The production company EuropaCorpTV is filming a new episode of the Mary Higgins Clark collection in Marseille for France 3. Adapted from the 2005 novel “No Place like Home”, the French title will be Rien ne vaut la douceur d’un foyer. Directed by Laurent Jaoui with a screenplay by Charlotte Paillieux...(...) »

Submissions are open for PriMed 2017

logo-primed-300x246Call for documentary films, reportages and webdoc for the next edition of PriMed, International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary and Reportage. Deadline March 31th 2017. Registration is free. PriMed, the international festival of Mediterranean documentary and news film is open to all directors, producers and distributors who, through their programmes or films, contribute...(...) »

FRANCE / Robert Guédiguian is filming “La Villa”, his 20th film

The Marseille-based director has just begun a 35-day shoot for his latest film. For the ninth time Robert Guédiguian brings his camera to Marseille, or more precisely to one of the calanques or creek inlets just along the coast. Once again he is working with his favourite actors: Ariane Ascaride, Jean-Pierre...(...) »

TUNISIA / “Zaineb n'aime pas la neige” (13 Prod.) wins Tanit d’Or at the JCC

Having won Cinemed’s Ulysses Award at the end of October, Kaouther Ben Hania’s new documentary won the coveted Tanit d’Or at the 27th Carthage Film Festival (JCC) in early November. For six years the director of Challat de Tunis and Imams vont à l’école followed a young Tunisian girl, Zaineb, whose...(...) »

FRANCE ALGERIA / Ulule campaign for a doc about how the Algerian War is remembered

Carole Filiu Mouhali and Ferhat Mouhali have launched a crowd funding campaign to finance the post-production of their new documentary. Carole Filiu-Mouhali and Ferhat Mouhali “Ne nous racontez plus d’histoires!” (Don’t tell us any more lies) is about the way the Algerian War of Independence (1954-62) is remembered and taught on either...(...) »

FRANCE ISRAEL / Newen and Keshet looking for ideas for TV series

Two production companies, Newen (France) and Keshet International (Israel), want to find French or Israeli script-writers who have ideas for a TV series. The TV series “Versailles” was coproduced by Newen The two companies want to work together on “high-end European TV series”. Any French or Israeli writer with a TV series...(...) »

FRANCE TUNISIA / “Vent du Nord”, a first film between Boulogne and Tunis

Until the end of September Tunisian director Walid Mattar will be filming his first feature in northern France and Tunisia. “Vent du Nord” follows two characters: a worker in France and an unemployed younger man in Tunisia – linked by a story about factory relocation. Shooting in northern France was completed on...(...) »

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