103 results for algérie

ALGERIA / Héliopolis will represent Algeria at the Oscars

The Comité de Sélection Algérien, whose job is to decide which film will represent Algeria at the Oscars for the Best International Feature Film Award, has chosen Djaffar Gacem’s Héliopolis. Héliopolis is the producer/director’s first feature. An experienced broadcasting professional, he is known for his sitcoms and humorous series such as Nass Mlah City, Djemai …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/algeria-heliopolis-will-represent-algeria-at-the-oscars/?lang=en

FRANCE ALGERIA / The Algerian camps as told by Dorothée Myriam Kellou

Dorothée Myriam Kellou is a journalist and film-director based in Paris. Her work as a journalist has received many awards, including the Trace International Award, the Samir Kassir Award and the Albert Londres Award. Her first feature-length film À Mansourah tu nous as séparés (2019) has been chosen for the 24th PriMed. During the Algerian …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-algeria-the-algerian-camps-as-told-by-dorothee-myriam-kellou/?lang=en

ALGERIA / Dzair TV stops transmitting

In early June the private Algerian channel Dzair TV announced it was closing down. In a statement, senior managers told staff to stay at home, saying there was no work. Although the news was formally announced at the beginning of June, the channel had already disappeared from the screens once before, in mid-March, when Eutelsat …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/algeria-dzair-tv-stops-transmitting/?lang=en

ALGERIA / The CADC makes some films available

Like many similar organisations, the Centre Algérien de Développement du Cinéma (CADC) has decided to make culture more accessible during the lockdown by posting several of their films, including shorts, online. First up was Anis Djaâd’s Passage à niveau which can be found on the CADC Youtube channel. Four other films can also be found …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/algeria-the-cadc-makes-some-films-available/?lang=en

ALGERIA / Call for the Khenchela cinematheque to re-open

The Journées cinématographiques de Khenchela took place from February 18th to 22nd, under the banner “The Emancipating Revolution – as seen through Algerian films”. To open up a wider debate and create a culture of community sharing, film screenings were organised in several communes: notably at Tamaza, Kaïs and Chechar. During the closing ceremony, there …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/algeria-call-for-the-khenchela-cinematheque-to-re-open/?lang=en

ALGERIA / Ahmed Bensebane new head of EPTV

On January 27th Ahmed Bensebane was appointed Director General of Algeria’s public broadcaster, the Entreprise Publique de Télévision (EPTV). The Minister of Communication Ammar Belhimer nominated him to take over from Ferthi Saïdi, acting director since January 22nd. A graduate in economics, Ahmed Bensebane has already held numerous senior positions within Algerian public television. In …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/algeria-ahmed-bensebane-new-head-of-eptv/?lang=en

ALGERIA / A cinema for Sétif

On January 18th a citizens’ collective in Sétif petitioned their local authorities because there is no cinema in the town. This group of cultural activists and film professionals launched an appeal,“A cinema for Sétif”, to give the local inhabitants their own space to see films. The petition begins with a reminder the town’s situation :“Setif …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/algerie-a-cinema-for-setif/?lang=en