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PriMed 2019 / Find out about all the films selected!

24 documentaries have been chosen to take part in the 23rd PriMed, le Festival de la Méditerranée en images, from November 24th to 30th 2019 in Marseille. The CMCA received 473 films representing 37 countries from around the world. Here are the chosen films : MEDITERRANEAN ISSUES CATEGORY (click on the title to access to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/primed-2019-find-out-about-all-the-films-selected/?lang=en

ITALY / Shooting the series Romulus has begun

Sky Italia has announced the filming of its new original creation, Romulus, in Rome and the surrounding area. The filming schedule will span 28 weeks. The project has been assigned to the Italian director Matteo Rovere, who is once again looking at the legendary founding of Rome — he directed Il Primo Re, a feature …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/italy-shooting-the-series-romulus-has-begun/?lang=en

LEBANON / The documentary Tadmor coming to French cinemas

Monika Borgmann and Lokman Slim’s documentary Tadmor will be released in French cinemas on June 5th. The film gives voice to a group of 22 Lebanese ex-prisoners, determined to speak out about their long years in prison in Palmyra (Syria), after the popular uprising against the Syrian regime in 2011. In a series of individual …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/lebanon-the-documentary-tadmor-coming-to-french-cinemas/?lang=en

TUNISIA / Nabil Karoui will stand in the presidential election

On May 27th, using his own channel as a platform, the owner of the private Tunisian channel Nessma TV announced his intention to stand in November’s presidential elections. For several months Nabil Karoui has topped opinion polls. He is the first to formally declare his decision, before any of the country’s political parties have announced …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/tunisia-nabil-karoui-will-stand-in-the-presidential-election/?lang=en

TUNISIA / Nessma TV resumes broadcasting after a short interruption

Tunisia’s television watchdog HAICA, (Haute Autorité Indépendante de la Communication Audiovisuelle), has decided to close the private television channel Nessma TV because it broadcast programmes without legal authorization. The police raided the channel’s offices on April 25th to seize equipment and thus force it to cease broadcasting. The Tunisian channel was asked to modify its …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/tunisia-haica-shuts-down-nessma-tv/?lang=en

JORDAN / Documentaries from PriMed 2018 screened at Amman

In collaboration with the Royal Jordan Film Commission the CMCA organised a series of screenings in Amman, Jordan. The documentaries were screened at the Rainbow Cinema – Jebel Amman from April 22nd to 25th starting at 7pm. This free event was organized as part of the PriMed festival promotion. Monday 22nd > 7pm MISSING FETINE …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/jordan-documentaries-from-primed-2018-screened-at-amman/?lang=en

ITALY / Netflix plans three new Italian series

After the success of two original series, Suburra and Baby, Netflix continues to invest in the Italian market. On March 29th the American giant announced three new Italian series, including two adaptations. Kelly Luegenbiehl, vice-president of original series for Europe and Africa, said: “These new projects are all very different and will all be shot …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/italy-netflix-plans-three-new-italian-series/?lang=en