157 results for arab world

ALGERIA / The Franco-Algerian Nina Khada wins the Poulain d’Argent for Short Documentaries at Fespaco

Je me suis mordue la langue

French-Algerian director Nina Khada ’s new film “Je me suis mordue la langue” (I bit my tongue) won the Silver Poulain for Short Documentary at the 27th Pan-African Film and Television Festival (Fespaco) in Ouagadougou. “I bit my tongue”, a quest for identity In this 25-minute first-person documentary the film-maker tries to rediscover the language …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/nina-khada/?lang=en

LEBANON / “Hell’s Gate”, first experimental, apocalyptic Lebanese series

Hell's Gate

“Hell’s Gate” is set in Beirut in the year 2052. The 8-part series takes us into a destroyed world after a succession of conflicts and deadly pandemics. The socio-political system has been replaced by “The State of the Union”, a conglomerate of nefarious private investors and companies. A group of revolutionaries prepares to overthrow it. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/hells-gate/?lang=en

SWITZERLAND / “Papicha” wins the Golden Fifog for Best Feature


The 16th Festival international du film oriental de Genève (Fifog) was held from June 21st to 27th. “Hope” was this year’s catchword, with the objective of promoting film, diversity and intercultural dialogue in the world through 50 films from 20 different countries. “Papicha” by Franco-Algerian director Mounia Meddour won the competition’s most prestigious award: the Golden Fifog …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/papicha/?lang=en

SYRIA / “The Swimmers”, the Netflix project about two refugee sisters who became Olympic champions

Yusra Mardini

“The Swimmers” tells the extraordinary story of two sisters, Sarah and Yusra Mardini, refugees from Syria who became Olympic champions. In 2015 their home was destroyed during the Syrian civil war, so the sisters decided to leave the country. They went first to Lebanon, then to Turkey, hoping to cross the Aegean to get to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/the-swimmers/?lang=en

EGYPT / “The Life and Times of Omar Sharif”, a documentary on the life of the Egyptian icon

Omar Sharif

The documentary “The Life and Times of Omar Sharif” traces the life of actor Omar Sharif, a true cinema icon in Egypt and “one of the few Arab actors to have been successful in Hollywood”. Presented at the Copenhagen DOX: CPH Festival, the documentary traces how President Nasser’s policies in the 1950’s shaped Sharif’s career. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/the-life-and-times-of-omar-sharif/?lang=en

NORTH AFRICA / Special productions for Ramadan 2021

Ramadan 2021 2M

In Morocco and Algeria, Ramadan begins on April 14th and ends on May 12th. In Europe, Tunisia, Turkey, Egypt, Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon the month of Ramadan in the year 1442 AH begins on Tuesday April 13th. The Muslim’s holy month is also the month with the highest audience figures for Arab television, thanks mainly to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/north-africa-special-productions-for-ramadan-2021/?lang=en

TURKEY AZERBAIJAN / Turkey and Azerbaijan sign cinema and audiovisual cooperation agreement

Accord Turquie Azerbaïdjan

Representatives from Turkey and Azerbaijan met in Ankara to agree on a series of agreements and strengthen their bilateral cultural cooperation. Azerbaijani Minister of Culture Anar Karimov and Turkey’s Minister of International Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu praised the unity of their countries. Their cultural alliance will ensure “the promotion of the translation and publication of modern …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/turkey-turkey-and-azerbaijan-sign-cinema-and-audiovisual-cooperation-agreement/?lang=en