LEBANON / The Al Habtoor group abandons its project for a TV channel in Beirut


The Emirat group Al Habtoor announced it has given up its project for a television channel based in Beirut.

As we wrote in an earlier article, the group wanted to create a TV channel plus a 100,000 m2 studio, creating jobs for 300 people.

In a statement the company justified its decision: “Following the announcement of the project, the group encountered a barrage of orchestrated campaigns including accusations, slander and threats.”

The Group’s chair Khalaf Ahmad Al-Habtoor confirmed the decision, saying: “We have encountered insurmountable obstacles which exceed what can be reasonably endured with regard to the safety of our team. After careful consideration and in the light of the lack of stable security necessary for investment, we are compelled to seek an alternative to launching the project from Lebanon.” He added: “Our goal has always been to support the Lebanese people and provide content which inspires hope and positivity.”

The company announced that it is looking for other countries to host the project.

Sources: Broadcast Pro, Arab News

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