Category: Turkey

News about audiovisual in Turkey

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GREECE / TIDF announces the projects chosen for the Pitching Forum


Agora, the industry section of the Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival (TIDF), has named the 14 projects which will take part in the Pitching Forum, to be held from March 7th to 15th. Created in 1999, Agora is a major event for producing and financing international documentary projects from Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East. …

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TURKEY / TRT becomes an associate member of ASBU


TRT, Türkiye’s public service media, has strengthened its international presence by becoming an associate member of the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU). The decision was made unanimously during ASBU’s 44th General Assembly, held in Tunis on January 15, 2025, with nearly 200 delegates in attendance. ASBU, a prominent organization comprising 41 members, categorizes its membership …

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TURKEY / The 61st ABU AGM was held in Istanbul

Members of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), the world’s largest broadcasting union with 230 members in 65 countries, gathered in Istanbul from October 18th to 23rd for the 61st ABU AGM and associated meetings to explore how artificial intelligence is transforming the future of the media. Organised by TRT and themed “The Nexus of AI, …

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TURKEY – GREECE / The winners of the 8th Beyond Borders Festival were screened at the Istanbul Sinematek.

Beyond Borders

Between October 18th and 20th the Istanbul Sinematek organised open-air screenings to show-case the award-winning films of the 8th Beyond Borders Festival During the three days 12 international documentaries were shown, with the event opened by one of them, Penelope McDonald’s feature Audrey Napanangka. David Deri’s A Tale of Four Minorities was also screened. The …

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BALKANS / Winners of the 7th AJB DOC Film Festival


Al-Jazeera Balkans Documentary Film Festival has announced the winners of its 7th edition. Organised by Al-Jazeera Balkans, in collaboration with Al-Jazeera Media Network and Al-Jazeera Media Institute, the festival ran from September 13th to 17th in Sarajevo. Its aim: to promote film-makers and documentaries addressing social issues, focusing on the universal human values ​​of courage, …

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ITALY / The Middle East Now Festival prepares for its 15th edition


The festival for Middle Eastern documentaries, Middle East Now, is preparing its 15th edition which will be held in Florence from October 15th to 20th. This year’s theme: Ecologies of Resistance. For the festival organisers this theme covers both the climate crisis and war, two tragedies they consider “deeply intertwined”. Using the earthquakes which hit …

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GREECE / The Agora co-production forum announces 15 chosen projects

La 20e édition du forum de coproduction Agora Crossroads se tiendra à Thessalonique du 3 au 7 novembre dans le cadre du Festival du Film International de Thessalonique (31 octobre au 10 novembre 2024).

AGORA présente 15 projets cinématographiques provenant de 17 pays d'Europe du Sud-Est et de la région méditerranéenne. Ce forum est conçu pour favoriser la mise en réseau, la coproduction et la collaboration créative au sein de l'industrie cinématographique mondiale. AGORA propose également un accompagnement personnalisé pour aider les participants à présenter leurs projets aux acteurs de l’industrie.

De nombreux partenaires de l’événement remettent chaque année des prix aux participants. Le Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée (CNC) remet notamment 8000 € pour le développement de scénarios. Onassis Film Award récompense de 10,000 euros l’un des projets grecs présentés. Dix prix sont ainsi remis chaque année.

Parmi les projets sélectionnés on trouve : THE APPALLING HUMAN VOICE OF THE ANIMALS de Neritan Zinxhiria (Grèce), A WHITE HOUSE de Francesco Romano (Italie, France), BLEACH (Kosovo, Macédoine du Nord, Monténégro), DYING BIRD de Diego Llorente (Espagne) ou encore THE HUNCHBACK de Ahu Ozturk (Turquie).

Sources : Cineuropa, Film Festival

The 20th Agora Crossroads Co-production Forum will be held in Thessaloniki from November 3rd to 7th as part of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival (October 31st to November 10th). AGORA presents 15 film projects from 17 countries in South-Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean region. The forum is designed to foster networking, co-production and creative collaboration …

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