All informatons for producers in Mediterranean

SPAIN / The next European Film Forum will be held during the San Sebastián Festival on September 23rd

After meeting in Venice on August 31st, the European Film Forum will meet again on September 23rd in San Sebastián, in the Basque country. It will take place during the film festival at the San Telmo Museum, with discussions around the theme of “New finance and collaboration models for promoting European films”. The European Film …

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FRANCE ITALY / Venice Production Bridge. Increased support for Franco-Italian films

Created in 2013 to stimulate the artistic and technical side of Franco-Italian co-productions (which often tend to be limited to purely financial associations as laid down in the co-production treaty between the two countries), the bilateral aid fund for development put in place by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Activities (MiBAC) and the CNC takes …

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TUNISIA / Three Tunisian film projects selected at the Market Forum of the 2019 MAFF

This year Tunisia is the guest of honour of the 9th International Malmo Arab Film Festival (MAFF) in Sweden. The country will also be represented by three film projects selected for the funding programmes of the MAAF Market Forum, which is held in parallel with the Festival from October 5th to 8th 2019. 22 film …

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ITALY / The Venice Biennale hosts the Gap-Financing Market

The 6th Venice Gap-Financing Market will take place from August 30th to September 1st on the sidelines of the 76th Venice International Film Festival. Organized as part of the Venice Production Bridge, this flagship event offers film-makers with pre-selected projects the possibility of finding finance through individual meetings with professionals from around the world. The …

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SERBIA FRANCE / A new co-production agreement signed between France and Serbia

In mid-July, during an official visit to Serbia by French President Emmanuel Macron, a co-production treaty was signed by the Serbian Minister of Culture, Vladan Vukosavljevic and the French Ambassador Frédéric Mondolini, to strengthen exchanges between the film sectors of both countries. The aim of the agreement is to facilitate co-productions between Serbia and France …

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FRANCE / Participative finance needed to support the Guilde des Auteurs-Réalisateurs de Reportages et de Documentaires

On May 20th, nearly 500 documentary writers and directors met together to create the Guilde des Auteurs-Réalisateurs de Reportages et de Documentaires (GARRD). The idea to create a guild came after the official producers’ unions decided to set a minimum wage for directors of €120 for a 12-hour day, half what a film technician earns. …

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FRANCE / The Ateliers Varan launch a candidate call for a training workshop

The Varan Workshops have launched a call for applications for their training programme “Producing documentary films in practice”, which will be held from September 2nd to October 19th in Ajaccio. This intense training workshop will enable participants to come to grips with the fundamentals of making documentary films and acquire a certain freedom as  film-makers. …

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