Morocco / The Moroccan Government Council supports film-making in the country

Armoiries Maroc

Since the Covid-19 crisis, Morocco has experienced a significant reduction of foreign film-making. The Ouarzazate film studios, nicknamed “Africa’s Hollywood”, have lost nearly 75% of their investments. In 2019, before the borders were closed, foreign film productions brought in 796.5 million dirhams, that’s excluding national films which provided another 452 million. By contrast in 2020 there were only three foreign films, according to the newspaper Le 360.

Following this major crisis in the sector, the Government Council amended a decree “setting the conditions and procedures for subsidies for film production, digitization, the renovation and creation of cinemas and the organization of film festivals.” The decree increases the percentage of support for foreign audiovisual production from 20 to 30%. Morocco thus hopes to strengthen its attractiveness in this sector and reach “1% of the total value of global investments, estimated at 30 billion euros” by 2025.

For Morocco, film activity is very important. Since the colonial period, Ouarzazate has been an important centre for foreign productions, whether documentary, advertising or drama. Many major Hollywood productions have been made there, including Gladiator or Kingdom of Heaven. The attraction is partly linked to the town’s setting and landscape, which provide the imaginary world of American epics.

Sources : L’Opinion, H24, Le 360, SudEstMaroc

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