Latest breaking news and information about mediterranean televisions and institutions

FRANCE ITALY GERMANY / The Alliance ’s announcements at the Berlin Film Festival

Representatives of the Alliance, took advantage of being at the 70th Berlin International Film Festival to discuss their projects. In addition to reaffirming their commitment to use their partnership to strengthen European cultural identity by co-producing TV series, they gave details about some of their current projects. For example, series ready for transmission : they …

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FRANCE / Arde Madrid on

To compete with video-on-demand platforms, the France Télévisions group is starting to schedule big budget series from the rest of Europe. Arde Madrid is an example of this strategy of broadcasting international co-productions. Winner of the Best European Drama award at last year’s La Fiction TV Festival in La Rochelle, this series takes the viewer …

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FRANCE / Death of Hervé Bourges, former head of France Télévisions

The journalist Hervé Bourges, former president of Antenne 2 and France 3, creator of the France Télévisions group, former president of the French television watchdog Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel français, died on February 23rd. In addition to his important role in the media, Hervé Bourges was also an active political figure in France. Committed to …

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FRANCE ITALY GERMANY / Alliance a new VoD platform

In 2018 the French, Italian and German public broadcasters formed Alliance, a 100% European broadcasting group combining the strengths of France Télévisions, RAI and ZDF. In a constantly changing broadcasting landscape, anxious about the significant presence of international players using VoD, the traditional channels are looking for ways to reinvent themselves. Alliance will provide finance …

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EGYPT / A new channel to promote tourism

According to an article in the newspaper Egyptian Independent, taken up by the website News Monger, a member of the Egyptian parliament has proposed creating a new public television channel. At a meeting on Sunday, Soad Elmasry put forward the idea of a channel dedicated to promoting all kinds of tourism in Egypt. The politician …

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ALGERIA / Ahmed Bensebane new head of EPTV

On January 27th Ahmed Bensebane was appointed Director General of Algeria’s public broadcaster, the Entreprise Publique de Télévision (EPTV). The Minister of Communication Ammar Belhimer nominated him to take over from Ferthi Saïdi, acting director since January 22nd. A graduate in economics, Ahmed Bensebane has already held numerous senior positions within Algerian public television. In …

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FRANCE / TV5 Monde presents a new monthly magazine

On February 14th TV5 Monde will unveil its latest monthly current affairs magazine, Collection Reportages. In this new programme the channel focusses on stories and investigations which highlight today’s concerns. The reports will look particularly at international issues and problems. The first programme will be “Au nom de la colère des ancêtres”, a 28-minute report …

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