Latest breaking news and information about mediterranean televisions and institutions

FRANCE / The web-series “Virag’INA” now on-line

On May 23rd INA launched its new web series Virag’INA, created by actor/director Auge GG (Aude Gagny-Goubert). Part of the INAlab programme, the series was selected from a 2017 call for projects which would exploit INA’s video and audio archives. Virag’INA was inspired by the documentary series Virago, also created by Aude GG and available …

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ITALY / Rai Cinema takes on virtual reality

During the Film Market at the 72nd Cannes Film Festival, Rai Cinema unveiled its virtual reality app. RAI’s media company presented its first cross-media project, Happy Birthday, directed by Lorenzo Giovenga and featuring actors Jenny De Nucci and Fortunato Cerlino. Giovenga’s project won the competition launched by Rai Cinema last October, and was produced in …

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TUNISIA / Nabil Karoui will stand in the presidential election

On May 27th, using his own channel as a platform, the owner of the private Tunisian channel Nessma TV announced his intention to stand in November’s presidential elections. For several months Nabil Karoui has topped opinion polls. He is the first to formally declare his decision, before any of the country’s political parties have announced …

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TUNISIA / Nessma TV resumes broadcasting after a short interruption

Tunisia’s television watchdog HAICA, (Haute Autorité Indépendante de la Communication Audiovisuelle), has decided to close the private television channel Nessma TV because it broadcast programmes without legal authorization. The police raided the channel’s offices on April 25th to seize equipment and thus force it to cease broadcasting. The Tunisian channel was asked to modify its …

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FRANCE / Increasing turnover helps INA continue growth

A statement released on April 29th announced that INA’s Board of Directors has approved the accounts and balance sheets for 2018, the fourth year of the five-year Targets and Resources Contract 2015-2019. For the third consecutive year the Institut National de l’Audiovisuel has seen its turnover increase, totalling €39.4 million, up 10% compared to 2015. …

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ITALY / Rai Movie and Rai Premium merge


In a statement released on April 15th the Italian public television company announced its film offer is being overhauled following the creation of a new channel. This new channel is part of the 2019-2021 Business Plan, validated at the beginning of March, which proposes the company show more films, as part of a wider strategic …

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SPAIN / RTVE closes its 2018 accounts with a positive result


Spain’s public service television and radio has announced in a press release that its financial situation has improved. The group ended the year with a positive result of €2 million. Its revenues totalled €976 million, while its expenditures were at €974 million, 2.7% less than the budget. “By making the company’s various activities more efficient, …

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