News about Festivals in Mediterranean

PORTUGAL / Call for films for the 2nd Olhares do Mediterrâneo – Cinema no Feminino festival

The second Olhares do Mediterrâneo – Cinema no Feminino festival will be held from June 5th to 7th at Lisbon’s Cinema São Jorge and the Cinemateca Portuguesa. It will be part of “Festas de Lisboa”, the Lisbon programme of entertainment organized by the city council. For three days, the festival will celebrate Mediterranean films and …

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ITALY / 20th Milan Film Festival: call for films

This year, the Milan Film Festival will take place from September 10th to 20th.. To celebrate its 20th year, Fritz Lang’s silent masterpiece, “Metropolis”, will be screened at the Theatro degli Arcimboli on September 20th, with live music provided by the La Scala Philharmonic Orchestra. There are two competitive sections: for feature films, only open …

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BURKINA FASO / 24th FESPACO: 4th Gold Stallion for Morocco

The biennial Ouagadougou Pan-African Festival of Cinema and Television (FESPACO) took place earlier this year between February 28th and March 7th. Moroccan film-maker Hicham Ayouch won the Golden Stallion with “Fièvre”, a film about “Benjamin, 13, who decides to go and live with his father, Karim, whom he doesn’t know. Karim still lives with his …

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KOSOVO / 7th PriFest cancelled

The organisers of the Pristina International Festival have decided to cancel the event following the announcement by the Ministry of Culture, a month before the opening, that their grant would be cut by 78%. The festival would have been held from April 25th to May 2nd. In a statement, the organisers said “The Ministry of …

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TURKEY / 13th International Filmmor: festival of women’s film

The 13th women’s film festival, Filmmor, focusing on the theme “Women’s Cinema, Women’s Resistance, Cinema of Resistance”, will be held from March 13th to April 27th. Around sixty films from 25 countries, all made by women, will be screened in six major towns: Istanbul from March 13th to 22nd; Nevşehir on March 28th and 29th; …

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SPAIN / Catalonia Festival of Arab and Mediterranean Film

Catalonia Festival of Arab and Mediterranean Film: from November 3rd to 8th 2015 at the Filmoteca Catalunya. Convinced that cinema helps us know and understand the world around us, the “Mostra” was created to fill a void in the Catalan cultural panorama by showing and championing Arab and Mediterranean cinema in Catalonia. By screening films …

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TUNISIA / Arab Festival for Radio and Television

The only one of its kind in the Middle East, the Gulf countries and North Africa, the Arab Festival of Radio and Television is celebrating its 16th year between May 11th and 16th in the seaside resort of Hammamet, 65 kilometres south of Tunis. The Festival is organized by the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU), …

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