The 153rd meeting of the Eurimages Steering Committee was held from December 10th to 13th in Tbilisi, Georgia. Afterwards the Committee announced the accession of a new member: Montenegro. The Balkan country was already part of Creative Europe’s sub-programme MEDIA, the European Audiovisual Observatory and the European Film Promotion. It joins the 38 member countries …
All news about cultural projects between Europe and Mediterranean
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JORDAN / 7 new projects selected by MedFilm4all
Last September MedFilm4all launched its second call for projects, and received 58 proposals. Of these, 7 were chosen by the selection committee, which met in Amman from November 19th to 22nd. The chosen projects are: – “A perfect presence for films about gender in remote areas” submitted by the Jordanian Commission for Democratic Culture (Jordan) …
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FRANCE / 11th training workshop for making TV news stories from archive material
From September 17th to 24th the CMCA and INA Méditerranée ran the 11th training workshop for making TV news reports using archive material. Aimed at television journalists from companies who are members of the CMCA, this year’s session was set up in collaboration with Open Media Hub. Journalists from six countries (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, …
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SPAIN / Medimed – the Euro-Mediterranean documentary market
The 19th Medimed, the Euro-Mediterranean documentary market, was held from October 11th to 14th in Sitges, south of Barcelona. Organized by Apimed, the Association Internationale des Producteurs Indépendants de la Méditerranée, Medimed is aimed at independent producers and directors who have a documentary project they want to develop, with particular emphasis on projects which take …
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FRANCE / Foreign sales record for French audiovisual programmes
Foreign sales of French broadcasting programmes achieved a record high in 2017, according to the joint report of the Centre National du Cinéma and TV France International published on September 6th. The total value of foreign sales was €205.2m, an increase of more than €16 million on last year’s figures. TV France International’s chairman, Hervé …
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SPAIN / The Audiovisual Madrid Association fights for the integration of people with disabilities
The Audiovisual Madrid Association (AMA) has signed a collaboration agreement with Plena Inclusión Madrid, a group of organisations for people with intellectual disabilities, to help them find training and employment in the film and television industry. Plena Inclusión Madrid’s CEO, Efe Javier Luengo, pointed out that the employment ratio of people with intellectual disabilities is …
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MOROCCO / Morocco will chair the European Audiovisual Observatory in 2020
Morocco has been nominated to take the presidency of the European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO) for 2020. HACA Director Naji Jamal Eddine will represent his country in this post. Morocco was admitted to the EAO in 2013, the 40th country to join the organization and the only one in North Africa. Currently France has the Presidency …
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