From September 23rd to 27th 2019, the CMCA (Centre Méditerranéen de la Communication Audiovisuelle) organized its 9th “New Writing, New Media” training workshop. Nine trainees were in Marseille for a week to attend practical and theoretical workshops. Specifically for television journalists in companies affiliated to the CMCA, the workshop provides training in the new narrative …
All news about cultural projects between Europe and Mediterranean
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FRANCE ITALY / Venice Production Bridge. Increased support for Franco-Italian films
Created in 2013 to stimulate the artistic and technical side of Franco-Italian co-productions (which often tend to be limited to purely financial associations as laid down in the co-production treaty between the two countries), the bilateral aid fund for development put in place by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Activities (MiBAC) and the CNC takes …
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BELGIUM / Close-up launches an international training programme for documentary co-productions
Close-Up, a non-profit organization based in Brussels, is offering their first international training programme for documentary co-production. The programme is for documentary film-makers either based in the Middle East and North Africa (Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, …
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CROATIA ITALY SLOVENIA / RE-ACT welcomes Serbia and launches a candidate call
For the last five years RE-ACT (Regional Audiovisual Co-Operation and Training) has been connecting broadcasting professionals in Croatia, Slovenia and Friuli Venezia Giulia, a region in northeastern Italy. It has breathed life into many co-productions between these two countries and this region. Now Serbia is also a member, through the Serbian Film Centre. Anyone working …
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FRANCE / 12th training workshop for writing TV news reports using archival material
From June 17th to 24th the CMCA (Centre Méditerranéen de la Communication Audiovisuelle), and INA (Institut National de l’Audiovisuel) organized the 12th training workshop for writing TV news reports based on archives. Based in Marseille, this workshop was offered in partnership with Open Media Hub. Aimed at journalists and directors working for CMCA member companies, …
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FRANCE / The Haut-Parleurs launch a series about the Mediterranean
France 3 Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur has pre-purchased from the Haut-Parleurs a series of twenty 6-minute news reports. Each one shows two young journalists, one from each side of the Mediterranean, talking to each other, exchanging ideas and responding to each other around a particular theme. The young reporters are based in Algeria, France, Greece, Italy, Morocco …
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SPAIN / Medimed launches its call for new documentaries
Medimed, the Euro-Mediterranean documentary market, has launched a project call for its 20th edition, to be held from October 10th to 13th in Sitges, Catalonia. One of the most important meeting places for Euro-Mediterranean documentary co-production, Medimed facilitates exchanges between television professionals and independent producers, allowing them to promote their recent productions or upcoming projects. …
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