A project called “Girls for Change” was inaugurated in Beirut on March 29th. Created by Sam Lahloud, founding chairman of the Beirut Film Society, the project is supported by Unicef, in partnership with Canon and the International Film Festival of Notre Dame University. Having set up the Beirut Women’s Film Festival, Sam Lahloud has created …
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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/lebanon-launch-of-girls-for-change-project/?lang=en
TUNISIA / 1st Film Festival Academy
The first part of the first Film Festival Academy was held in Tunisia from April 6th to 10th, organized by the Tunisian Federation of Film Clubs, the Centre national de cinéma et de l’image and the Tunisian Film Library. These different organisations are part of a network of Tunisian film festivals working in partnership with …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/tunisia-1st-film-festival-academy/?lang=en
ALGERIA / World Congress for Broadcasting authors in Algiers in April
At a press conference in Algiers, Sami Bencheikh, director general of ONDA, the Algerian national office for copyright and associated rights, presented the organisation’s results for 2017 and objectives for 2018. In 2017 ONDA achieved nearly 9% growth. It has also contributed more than €3 million to festivals and other cultural events. Bencheikh also announced …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/algeria-world-congress-for-broadcasting-authors-in-algiers-in-april/?lang=en
FRANCE / 9th edition of the “La première fois” festival
The 9th “La première fois”, a festival for long, medium-length and short films, was held in Aix en Provence and Marseille from February 20th to 24th. All the films were first documentaries. This year’s guest of honour, Jean-Gabriel Périot, gave a masterclass on the first day, which was followed by the official opening. Several Mediterranean …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-9th-edition-of-the-premiere-festival/?lang=en
EUROPE / UNIC presents its update on attendance in European cinemas in 2017
Cinema attracts more and more people in Europe, that at least is the conclusion of the International Union of Cinemas’ annual survey. The provisional update was released on February 14th, a more detailed report on the region will be available in the spring. Some Mediterranean countries show a clear increase in cinema attendance, for example …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/europe-unic-presents-its-update-on-attendance-in-european-cinemas-in-2017-2/?lang=en
JORDAN / Cinema comes to detention centres
On February 13th the Royal Film Commission and the Public Security Directorate, represented by the director of Correctional and Rehabilitation Centres, signed a Memorandum of Understanding allowing prisoners to have access to film screenings. The project is called “Cinema for All”. Films will be shown in all the Kingdom’s penitential centres, with the exception of …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/jordan-cinema-comes-to-detention-centres/?lang=en
ITALY / Luciano Ligabue releases a film about his latest album “Made in Italy”
Italian musician/writer/director Luciano Ligabue continues his tour promoting “Made in Italy”, his latest film released at the end of January. The film’s music track is Ligabue’s new album of the same name – the first time in Italy that a music album has been a central element of a film. Sources: la Repubblica Napoli, Donna …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/italy-director-musician-luciano-ligabue-releases-a-film-about-his-latest-album-made-in-italy/?lang=en