Category: CINEMA

All about cinema in Mediterranean

ITALY / Shooting Francesco Mandelli’s film, “Appena un minuto”

Francesco Mandelli

Italian director Francesco Mandelli has started shooting his third feature film Appena un minuto (Just a Minute) in Rome. With a 6 week schedule, the film has an enviable cast: Max Giusti, Massimo Wertmuller, Loretta Goggi, Paolo Calabresi, Dino Abbrescia, Herbert Ballerina, Antonello Fassari, Susy Laude, Carolina Signore and Francesco Mura. Max Giusti, who wrote …

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ALGERIA FRANCE / Yamina Benguigui’s new film “Soeurs” will begin shooting in Algeria at the end of October

Yamina Benguigui

In late October, director and screenwriter Yamina Benguigui will start filming her next film, Soeurs (Sisters), in Algeria. Once again her principal actor will be Isabelle Adjani, with whom she worked on the TV film Aïcha, job à tout prix. It is the first time Isabelle Adjani has made a film in her father’s native …

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ITALY / Three years after Mia Madre, Nanni Moretti returns with a documentary

Nanni Moretti

The audience at the 36th Turin International Film Festival will have the privilege of being the first to view Nanni Moretti’s latest film, Santiago, Italia. It will be released in Italian cinemas a few days later, on December 6th. The Turin Festival is an event Moretti knows well, since he was its director from 2007 …

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TUNISIA / 4th “Cinéma au Musée”

The fourth “Cinéma au Musée” took place between September 13th to 16th at the Archaeological Museum in Sousse. Tunisian and foreign films were screened, with audiences able to enjoy them for free. The festival is run by Mohamed Challouf, chairman of “Afrique-Méditerranée”. The Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image is one of the event’s …

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TUNISIA / Preserving film archives a key issue at a symposia in Hergla

cinéma hergla

For the past 13 years a cultural association, Afrique Méditerranée, has organised an annual film conference in the small coastal town of Hergla. This year it was held from August 25th to 28th, and at one of the round tables the association presented representatives of Tunisian broadcasting with guide-lines on how to preserve the country’s …

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KOSOVO / The Film Center’s budget explodes

kosovo cinema center

The Kosovar Film Center (KCC) is investing in the country’s film production, supporting 28 film projects this year with a combined budget of nearly 1.5 million euros. The Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport has promised funding for the KCC, announcing his office will double existing grants from €600,000 to €1.2 million. Until now, 18 …

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EGYPT / First festival at the Arab Cinema Centre

The Arab Cinema Centre (ACC), created by MAD Solutions, is launching a series of festivals around the world to promote Arab culture and heritage. Based in Cairo, the ACC is the first pan-Arab studio which creates, promotes and distributes Arabic content to and from the Arab world. Its first festival, “Mad 3araby” will be held …

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