ITALY / Minerva Pictures puts 100 films online

The Italian production and distribution company Minerva Pictures has decided to make some films available free of charge. In the context of the confinement imposed in several European countries, around a hundred feature films of all kinds are now available on the internet.

Minerva Pictures
Minerva Pictures logo

Ginluca Curti, Minerva’s CEO, said, “Primarily as citizens, not just as digital producers or publishers, all of us here at Minerva Pictures want to contribute in our own way to helping Italians at home who want to watch some good films and enjoy a few hours of peace. It’s something we can do and we are doing.”

To make use of this proposal, simply register on the The film club web-site and then confirm. Until April 3rd 2020 you can see Claudio Calagari’s L’Odore della Notte, Pedro Almodóvar’s Carne Tremula, Stephen King’s Il Tagliaerbe and Luciano De Crescenzo’s entire filmography.

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