Category: CINEMA

All about cinema in Mediterranean

TUNISIA / “Under the Fig Trees” wins multiple awards at the 78th Venice Film Festival

Under The Fig Trees

Tunisian director Erige Sehiri’s “Under the Fig Trees” won no fewer than eight awards at the 78th Venice Film Festival’s Final Cut Workshop. Two of them were sponsored by partners of the Arab Cinema Centre, Mad Solutions and the ElGouna Film Festival, and these will help market, advertise and distribute the film. Since 2013 Final …

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JORDAN / “Al Rawabi School for Girls”, a new Netflix series in Arabic

Al Arawabi School for Girls

“Al Rawabi School for Girls” is the latest Arabic-language series from streaming giant Netflix. The central character of the 6-episode young adult miniseries is Mariam, a teenage girl at a prestigious high school for girls in Amman. A victim of bullying at school, she decides to take revenge on the popular students who persecute her …

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FRANCE / The results of the 40th URTI International Grand Prix for Author Documentaries


This year’s URTI jury – made up of public television officials from Belgium, Cameroon, Gabon, Kosovo, Morocco, Portugal and Romania – awarded the 40th URTI International Grand Prix for Author Documentaries to Antonio José Almeida’s Portuguese television series “Mysteries of the Human Brain – Mechanism of the Emotions”. “Exponential growth is not limited to 21st …

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TUNISIA / Madame Prod launches a project call to women directors

Madame Prod

Madame Prod has launched a project call for women directors needing finance for their first feature. Madame Prod and “Le cinéma au féminin” Created in 2019 by Franco-Tunisian film-maker Ismahane Lahmar, Madame Prod defines itself as “an audiovisual production entity with social and unifying values.” Supported by the Drosos Foundation, the Goethe-Institut and the Institut Français de Tunisie, Madame …

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LEBANON / Lana Daher’s “Do You Love Me” wins the Sundance Documentary Fund

Do you love me

“Do You Love Me” wins the Sundance Documentary Fund to finance its production. In 2019 the film received the Robert Bosch Stiftung Film Award as well as development funding from the IDFA Bertha Fund and the Doha Film Institute. The feature film is a “kind of visual patchwork” made up of archives, both of the …

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ALGERIA / The Ministry of Art and Culture organises a documentary film competition

Ministère de la Culture et des Arts Algérien

On June 24th the Ministry of Art and Culture launched a competition for documentary films with the theme “Documentary film…memory and image meet” to document and describe Algeria’s cultural wealth. The competition is open to documentary film-makers of all ages, amateur or professional. There are 3 awards: Best Screenplay, Best Director and Best Documentary. The films …

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ITALY / The new Pixar “Luca” off the Italian Riviera


The new animated film from Pixar, “Luca” takes us to the heart of 1950’s Italy, off the Italian Riviera. In the depths of the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean, Luca and Alberto, two young adolescent merpeople, living in the sea, stung by curiosity, venture onto dry land and take human form to discover the world …

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