TUNISIA / Meeting between the HAICA and the government
22 February 2018
22 February 2018
On February 13th Morocco’s media watch-dog, the Haute Autorité Indépendante de la Communication Audiovisuelle (HAICA) and government representative Mofdi Mseddi, met to discuss broadcasting issues.
It was agreed that Radio Zitouna would be permanently attached to Radio Tunisienne, that the government would give more support to regional and associative media, and finally that transparency over private television and radio financing would be strengthened.
In addition, the two parties decided to create a joint committee to formalise the criteria for choosing Tunisian Television’s CEO. The committee will also be in charge of verifying the content of public media and creating an independent audiometry institute. With regard to Tunisian Television’s CEO, he must be recruited for a fixed term, in a contract setting out agreed objectives and resources.
Source : BusinessNews.com.tn, Espace Manager, shemsfm, article 19
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