32 results for Malta

Spain / EURODOC’s candidate call for its Majorca workshop closes April 27th


EURODOC is organizing an intensive workshop for developing documentary projects from May 29th to June 4th in Palma, Majorca. Applications can be sent until April 27th 2022. For 20 years EURODOC (International Lab For Creative Documentary Production) has organized training sessions throughout Europe for people developing creative documentary projects. Each session consists of 3 one-week …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/spain-eurodocs-candidate-call-for-its-majorca-workshop-closes-april-27th-%ef%bf%bc/?lang=en

ISRAEL / The Israeli government wants to make the country more attractive for making films

Avigdor Lieberman

Israeli Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman announced a budget of €12 million to make his country more attractive for film-making. For international television and film productions this sum should reduce the cost of hiring film crews by 25%. The offer is valid for two years. There is only one condition: the production must employ a local …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/avigdor-lieberman/?lang=en


Dans cette page vous pouvez consulter, en ordre chronologique, le calendrier des festivals et marchés euro-méditerranéens attentifs au développement et à la valorisation du genre documentaire. Un regard spécial sur ceux qui s’occupent en particulier de la promotion du film méditerranéen (même s’ils sont basés loin de la Mare Nostrum). Cliquez sur le mois qui …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/festivals-et-marches-euro-mediterraneens/?lang=en

FRANCE ITALY / L’Ombra di Caravaggio and L’Agnello, the latest Franco-Italian productions

At the end of September L’Ombra di Caravaggio began shooting in Naples, written, directed and performed by Michele Placido. Once filming is completed in Naples, the crew will move on to Rome, then around Viterbo, Arricia, Frascati and Malta. L’Ombra is about the life of the 16th century Italian painter, Michelangelo Merisi. The cast is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-italy-lombra-di-caravaggio-and-lagnello-the-latest-franco-italian-productions/?lang=en

MOROCCO / Aït-Benhaddou, an unbeatable film location in Morocco

Aït-Benhaddou is a Moroccan ksar, or fortified village, in the Ounila Valley, in the province of Ouarzazate. Since 1987 it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Directors from all over the world come here to make their films : Sodom and Gomorrah (1962), The Mummy (1999) and Gladiator (2000) were filmed in Aït-Benhaddou. More …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/morocco-ait-benhaddou-an-unbeatable-film-location-in-morocco/?lang=en

EUROPE / The candidate call for the 2019 Migration Media Award is open!

The Migration Media Award recognizes and rewards the excellence, relevance and quality of journalistic work which deals with migration in the Euro-Mediterranean region. In its first year (2017), the jury gave awards to 35 journalists based in an EU country or in a Southern Partner Country (SPC), and in 2018 they gave 41, with the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/europe-the-candidate-call-for-the-2019-migration-media-award-is-open/?lang=en

FRANCE / Contents of Méditerraneo in March

In Galicia, Northwest Spain, Galician has been an official language since 1983, on an equal footing with Castilian. But in reality, teachers and associations are fighting to keep this part of their identity alive. Boosting Morocco’s date harvest by using advanced research techniques: that’s why the country is investing €650 million in the sector between …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-contents-of-mediterraneo-in-march/?lang=en