278 results for morocco

FRANCE / 11th Panorama des Cinémas du Maghreb/Moyen-Orient

For the 11th year the association Indigènes Films is renewing its Panorama des Cinémas du Maghreb et du Moyen-Orient (PCMMO) in Paris and Seine-Saint-Denis. The 2016 selection of 43 films, dramas and documentaries, long or short, will be screened from March 29th to April 17th. In troubled periods like the one we are living though …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-11th-panorama-des-cinemas-du-maghrebmoyen-orient/?lang=en

ITALY / The CMCA partner of the Sarnico Short Film Festival

At the beginning of June the festival of short films “C’è tempo per…..L’integrazione” will celebrate its tenth anniversary with public screenings in Sarnico and Bergamo. All the films chosen deal with aspects of integration, showing individuals, families or whole populations from every culture and nationality. The films will be divided into two categories: one for …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/italy-the-cmca-partner-of-the-sarnico-short-film-festival/?lang=en

FRANCE / Contents of Méditerraneo in March

In Galicia, Northwest Spain, Galician has been an official language since 1983, on an equal footing with Castilian. But in reality, teachers and associations are fighting to keep this part of their identity alive. Boosting Morocco’s date harvest by using advanced research techniques: that’s why the country is investing €650 million in the sector between …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-contents-of-mediterraneo-in-march/?lang=en

FRANCE / A new, film-loving Minister of Culture

Audrey Azoulay, a well-informed film-goer, replaces Fleur Pellerin as Minister of Culture and Communication. At 43, Audrey Azoulay is the former head of France’s Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée (CNC).

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/a-new-film-loving-minister-of-culture/?lang=en

LEBANON / 11th anniversary of the Samir Kassir Award

2016 marks the 11th anniversary of the first Samir Kassir Award for Press Freedom in the Lebanon and Middle East. On Monday February 8th Christina Lassen, the European Union’s ambassador to the Lebanon, launched the 2016 edition of the Samir Kassir Award for Press Freedom. Created in 2006 by the European Union, this award commemorates …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/lebanon-11th-anniversary-of-the-samir-kassir-award/?lang=en

PriMed 2015: the awards

“Voyage en Barbarie” by Cécile Allegra and Delphine Deloget, won the Documentary Grand Prix – Mediterranean Issues. This heart-rending film about the trade in humans in the Sinai made a big impact on the jury chaired by Reda Benjelloun, head of news magazines and documentaries at 2M. “Speed Sisters” by Amber Fares and “Patience, patience, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/primed-2015-the-awards/?lang=en

The 19th PriMed has begun !

From December 5th to 12th PriMed (Prix International du Documentaire et du Reportage méditerranéen) is back for its 19th year, already promising to stimulate, move, provoke, even change people. For a week at the Villa Méditerranée, the Bibliothèque de l’Alcazar and MuCEM, the CMCA (Centre Méditerranéen de la Communication Audiovisuelle), organiser of PriMed, is offering …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/19th-primed-the-festival-of-the-mediterranean-in-images/?lang=en