157 results for arab world

LEBANON / “Sarde After Dinner”, the podcast to discuss the situation in Lebanon without taboos

Sarde After Dinner

“Sarde After Dinner” is the Lebanese podcast that dares. Its two creators discuss the important issues tearing the Lebanon apart with unprecedented freedom of expression. The idea came out of a meeting between audiovisual enthusiast Mouin Jaber and Médéa Azouri, a columnist for the Lebanese daily L’Orient le Jour, and their shared desire to reach out …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/lebanon-sarde-after-dinner-the-podcast-to-discuss-the-situation-in-lebanon-without-taboos/?lang=en

ISRAEL / “Les Grandes Gueules Moyen-Orient”, the new programme from i24news

Les Grandes Gueules Moyen-Orient

The latest addition to the French version of Israel’s i24news promises “debates, opinions, and confrontations”. Launched at the end of January, the “Grandes Gueules Moyen-Orient” gives debating airtime to all sections of society – the basic requirement being “a strong temperament”. From Tel Aviv to Paris, via New York, Washington and Dubai, the channel tries to tackle …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/israel-les-grandes-gueules-moyen-orient-the-new-programme-from-i24news/?lang=en


Dans cette page vous pouvez consulter, en ordre chronologique, le calendrier des festivals et marchés euro-méditerranéens attentifs au développement et à la valorisation du genre documentaire. Un regard spécial sur ceux qui s’occupent en particulier de la promotion du film méditerranéen (même s’ils sont basés loin de la Mare Nostrum). Cliquez sur le mois qui …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/festivals-et-marches-euro-mediterraneens/?lang=en

EGYPT / 4th El Gouna Film Festival

The 4th El Gouna Film Festival ran from October 23rd to 31st. Based in the seaside resort of Gouna, Egypt, this annual event shows new films from around the world. Its aim is to encourage intercultural interaction and understanding through cinema. This year’s theme was “Man and dream”. The highlight of the opening evening was …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/egypt-4th-el-gouna-film-festival/?lang=en

TUNISIA / Living in the time of coronavirus with Confi-Doc

Confi-Doc “Vivre au temps du coronavirus” (Living in the time of coronavirus”) is a project created by DocHouse in partnership with the IMS and the Danish Arab Partnership Programme. Five women directors each had a week to make a short documentary to raise awareness of the current pandemic and tell their personal stories about lockdown. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/tunisia-living-in-the-time-of-coronavirus-with-confi-doc/?lang=en

SPAIN / The voyage of Salka, In No Man’s Land

The Catalan film-maker Xavi Herrero presented his new feature Salka, In No Man’s Land at the 23rd DocsBarcelona film festival. This, his fifth film, is about the journey of a young woman, Salka. Salka lives in Mauritania, one of the poorest countries in the world. Hoping for a better future, she decides to emigrate to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/espagne-le-voyage-de-salka-in-no-mans-land/?lang=en

EGYPT / El-Nehaya a television series which polarises opinion

Egyptian screenwriter Amr Samir Atif has completed his new television series, El-Nehaya (The End). Directed by Yasser Samy, the series began broadcasting in Egypt during the first days of Ramadan – a popular period for showing series, with several new ones emerging every year. They often generate a lot of comments – this year though …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/egypt-el-nehaya-a-television-series-which-polarises-opinion/?lang=en