MEDITERRANEAN / IMA hosts the first Mediterranean feminist Forum

Forum féministe - IMA

On May 3rd IMA – the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris – hosted the conference “Women, Actors of Change in the Mediterranean” as part of the first Mediterranean Feminist Forum. It was organized by the EuroMed Feminist Initiative with the support of France’s Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

The aim of the conference was to address the importance of gender equality when promoting sustainable and non-discriminatory societies, and the importance of women’s equal participation in decision-making.

The conference brought together committed women who hold high-level responsibilities in the fields of politics, tech, sport, justice and culture. From their own experience they shared their ideas about power and change in the Mediterranean region.

The guests round the table were Rima ABDUL-MALAK (Franco-Lebanese political figure, former Minister of Culture), Neila BENZINA (co-founder of Wimbee), Nehad ABUL KOMSAN (lawyer and president of the Egyptian Centre for Women’s Rights) and Sarah OURAHMOUNE (French boxer and member of the board of directors of Paris 2024).

The moderator of the discussions was Samira IBRAHIM.

Sources : IMA, EuroMed Feminist Initiative

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