Three films made during a training scheme organised by Atelier Varan Corse, “Regards Méditerranéens: the practice of documentary film-making”, were screened on April 3rd at the association’s Paris premises.
The 7-week course took place last year between September 18th and November 5th at the Lycée Giocante de Casabianca in Bastia (Corsica). 10 trainee directors from Algeria, Lebanon, Reunion, Corsica and continental Europe were shown how to make observational, “cinéma verité” style documentaries.
The films shown during the recent screening were Wesley Hebert’s Coup de fusil à Canaglia, Asma Mesli’s Entre deux pinces… and My friend Lisa is back by Mattea Riu.
The training was organized with the support of La Collectivité de Corse, the Direction du Cinéma et de l’audiovisuel, the Direction Régionale de la jeunesse, des sports et de la cohésion sociale de Corse, the City of Bastia, the Corsican Cinematheque, AFDAS and PROCIREP (Society of Cinema and Television Producers).
Source: Ateliers Varan